
25 Kata-kata Romantis dari Drama Korea Favoritmu, Indah dan Menghanyutkan

Berikut kata-kata kutipan romantis dari drama korea (drakor), mulai Reply Me 1997 hingga My Mister., Jakarta - Belakangan ini drama Korea atau yang populer dengan sebutan drakor makin ramai diperbincangkan. Makin banyak yang menyukai drakor dan mengenal bintang-bintang layar kaca dari Negeri Ginseng.

Hal ini seiring dengan karantina mandiri yang diterapkan pemerintah Indonesia serta imbauan tetap berada di rumah di masa pandemi virus corona.

Banyak di antara warga Indonesia, khususnya kaum wanita, yang lantas membunuh waktu dengan menyaksikan drakor.

Banyaknya pilihan genre membuat kita seperti tak akan kehabisan stok drakor. Ada drakor bertema romantis, aksi, suspense, maupun drama keluarga, yang sama-sama menarik untuk disaksikan.

Apalagi jika pemeran drakor tersebut merupakan aktor atau aktris idola. Dipastikan, tak akan ketinggalan menyaksikan setiap episodenya.

Drakor telah menjadi bagian dari fenomena K-Wave (gelombang Korea), yang mengacu pada tersebarnya budaya pop Korea secara global yang muncul sejak 1990-an.

Tak jarang, drakor memunculkan tren tersendiri, seperti gaya berpakaian, aksesori, hingga ramainya wisatawan mendatangi lokasi yang ada di drakor favorit.

Kutipan-kutipan yang menjadi dialog juga mendapat tempat tersendiri bagi para pencinta drakor.

Berikut ini 25 kata-kata romantis yang tersaji dari drakor, seperti dirangkum dari Hello KPop, Soompi, dan Lostweirdologist, Senin (25/5/2020). Siapa tahu ada yang jadi favoritmu.

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Kutipan Menarik dari Drakor

1. "If you wait, the person is bound to come". -The Innocent Man

2. "If you love someone so much, even if you had misunderstood, you wouldn't explain". -49 Days

3. "If you're going to cry in front of me about a different man, stop being so pretty". -My Girl

4. "It's not because i love you, it's because i only love you. If it's not you then i won’t have anyone else. You're an amazing woman". -Secret Garden

5. "The easiest thing we can do for the person we love is to throw ourselves away. The strength to do things that aren't in our nature… That's love". -Reply Me 1997

6. "You know what's different about a soulmate? I can see myself in that person's eyes and i look so, so happy". -Strong Woman Do Bong Soon

7. "Meeting you wasn't even included in my life schedule". -It's Okay, That's Love

8. "Love doesn't mean giving something up for the other person. But it means to achieve something". -It's Okay, That's Love

9. "When we held our hand amidst the crowd of people, we were using our bones, muscles and blood vessels to not lose grip". -The Heirs

10. "Love does not ask you to discard your pride, it's about protecting a person. Don't do this in the future. Don't believe people so easily. Don't fall in love so easily. Don't forgive easily either. Please… become stronger". -Personal Taste

11. "Why did you get involved when you know it's dangerous? The people i know run away when they see fire, and hurt most people because they don't want to get hurt. You're different than the people i know, i must be the worse among the people around you". -Hight School Love On

12. "From the moment i first saw you, my scenery has been you". -Love Rain

13. "Regrets is only for those who don't have a future". -Secret

14. "Revenge that is started with love, ends in tragedy". -Secret

15. "The nicer he is to me and the harder he works for me, the more i worry that i'll expect too much from him. That i might start to think that he actually likes me.. and that i might not be able to let him go…on the day we promised". -Fated to Love You

16. "If you want to escape the lowest point in your life, try to love. Luck, like a jackpot, may come and find you". -Triangle

17. "Don't start with seeing, start with believing". -Master’s Sun

18. "Love will always find a way". -She Was Pretty

19. "It's absurd and outrageous and crazy, but i like you. I don't like you because it's okay to like you; It's that i like you because, everything is okay". -My Girlfriend is Gumiho

20. "What's so hard about love? You simply grab the other's hand and refuse to let go". -Boys Over Flower

21. "When you love a woman, she becomes a drink. She becomes the moon. She becomes the song. Then she turns into your world". -Flower Boy Ramen Shop

22. "From the beginning you were music to me and music was you. That's why came this far. If you're not there, there is no music". -Dream High

23. "A coward man dies many times, but a brave man dies only once. If i die for you, i won't consider it death but love." -Playful Kiss

24. "First love makes your heart grows". -Good Doctors

25. "If you think about it, each and every interpersonal relationship is quite fascinating and precious. You must repay them. Live a happy life. That’s how you can repay the people in your life". -My Mister

Sumber: Hello KPop, Soompi, Lostweirdologist

Selanjutnya: Kutipan Menarik dari Drakor
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