, Jakarta - Hampir setiap orang di era digital seperti sekarang memiliki akun media sosial, termasuk Instagram. Instagram merupakan aplikasi berbagi foto dan video yang dilengkapi berbagai fitur menarik.
Foto maupun video aktivitas liburan, bekerja, makan, nongkrong, apa pun itu bisa diunggah ke akun Instagram personal. Instagram telah menjadi satu di antara platform media sosial paling digandrungi di dunia.
Tak peduli kamu pria atau wanita, dari berbagai latar belakang profesi, tua muda, banyak yang menggunakan Instagram untuk terhubung dengan dunia luar.
Kamu juga bisa menulis kata-kata keren bahasa Inggris untuk bio Instagrammu. Bio bisa dianggap sebagai kesan pertama terhadap citra dirimu yang ingin kamu bangun dalam akun Instagrammu.
Menulis kata-kata keren bahasa Inggris untuk bio Instagrammu satu di antara cara untuk membuat akunmu makin dilirik dan mendapatkan banyak follower.
Nah, buat kamu yang ingin memasang kata-kata tersebut namun bingung apa yang harus ditulis, ada beberapa contoh bio Instagram dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu kutip.
Berikut koleksi kata-kata keren bahasa Inggris untuk bio Instagrammu, dinukil dari laman Seventeen, Selasa (13/10/2020).
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Kata-kata Keren Bahasa Inggris untuk Bio Instagram
1. "Just another dreamer."
2. "Life has no GPS so i'm making my own path."
3. "Keeping a golden state of mind."
4. "Hooray for every day."
5. "Gotta live like tomorrow doesn't exist."
6. "Do more things that make you forget your phone."
7. "I never lose. I win or i learn."
8. "The best of me is yet to come."
9. "I'm the hero of my own story."
10. "Life includes free trips around the sun."
11. "Stress doesn't go with my outfit."
12. "Becoming more of who i want to be everyday."
13. "Happiness never goes out of style."
14. "All about saying yes to new adventures."
15. "Leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere i go."
Kata-kata Keren Bahasa Inggris untuk Bio Instagram
16. "Realizing that my life is so much better than my dreams."
17. "Sparkle and drown out the dark."
18. "Always wearing my crown."
19. "Real, not perfect."
20. "Where dreams meet reality."
21. "Always practice what you post."
22. "Simple but significant."
23. "I woke up like this."
24. "Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live."
25. "Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by a change."
26. "She turned her cant's into cans and her dreams into plans."
27. "In a world where you can be anyone, be yourself."
28. "Life is what happens to you while you scroll through Instagram."
29. "Always be you."
30. "You can't capture everything, but you can try."
Kata-kata Keren Bahasa Inggris untuk Bio Instagram
31. "Error 400: Bio unavailable."
32. "I write bios, not tragedies."
33. "I look exactly like my Bitmoji and that is my greatest accomplishment."
34. "Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light."
35. "Competitive sleeper."
36. "Risk taker. Adventurer."
37. "This is me."
38. "Welcome to my world."
39. "I see food and i eat it."
40. "Just food pic after food pic."
41. "SThank you, come again."
42. "Who runs the world? Me."
43. "Living life on my own terms."
44. "When life hands you lemons, give them back. You deserve chocolate."
45. "I make ice cream disappear. What’s your superpower?"
Kata-kata Keren Bahasa Inggris untuk Bio Instagram
46. "I'm a whole vibe."
47. "I keep it realer than real."
48. "Always a boss."
49. "Keepin' it real since 2000."
50. "Blessed with the best."
51. "Keep them wondering."
52. "Living for the weekend."
53. "I got nothing."
54. "If i was you i'd wanna be me too."
55. "Living my best life.
56. "Me doing me."
57. "A human. Being."
58. "Anything but predictable."
59. "Sweet as sugar, tough as nails."
60. "My standards are high… just like my heels."
Sumber: Seventeen
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