, Jakarta - Ada banyak caption keren yang cocok untuk postingan selfie di Facebook. Kamu tinggal memilah dan memilih mana yang paling pas buatmu.
Kini, kebutuhan akan kata-kata untuk melengkapi unggahan foto atau video ke media sosial makin meningkat seiring aktivitas bermain media sosial.
Hampir setiap orang setiap waktu gemar membuka aplikasi media sosial personal, seperti Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Banyak orang memiliki beberapa akun media sosial sehingga aktivitas pun makin intens.
Foto maupun video yang diunggah ke media sosial pun makin beragam. Tak hanya foto perjalanan, foto aktivitas sehari-hari, seperti saat makan, bekerja, di sekolah atau di kampus, bahkan hingga hewan kesayangan, ikut ditampilkan.
Agar unggahan foto selfie-mu makin memikat dan berbeda dengan postingan lainnya, kamu biasanya melengkapinya dengan caption yang keren, semisal dengan menggunakan bahasa asing, seperti bahasa Inggris.
Kamu tentu bisa merangkai sendiri kata-kata keren untuk caption unggahan foto selfie-mu. Namun, bila merasa kesulitan, kamu bisa mendapatkan referensi caption keren di berbagai media, termasuk media daring.
Di bawah ini beberapa caption dalam bahasa Inggris untuk postingan selfie di Facebook, dikutip dari Thequotesmaster, Rabu (23/12/2020).
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Caption Bahasa Inggris untuk Postingan Selfie di Facebook
1. "Warning: You may fall in love with my face."
2. "Life is better when you're smiling."
3. "Be your own kind of beautiful."
4. A smile is the shortest distance between two people."
5. "Surround yourself with those who make you happy."
6. "Life is made of small moments like this."
7. "Don't let someone dim your light, simply because it's shining in their eyes."
8. "There's always a wild side to an innocent face."
9. "Smile, it confuses people."
10. "Hating me doesn't make you pretty."
11. "Put my selfie on top of the tree because i'm the star."
12. "I'm not lazy, just relaxed."
13. "But first, let me take a selfie."
14. "Be yourself, there's no one better."
15. "Confidence level: selfie with no filter."
Caption Bahasa Inggris untuk Postingan Selfie di Facebook
16. "Life is way too short for bad vibes.
17. "Does this selfie make me look fat?"
18. "Surround yourself with makeup not negativity."
19. "I love the confidence that makeup gives me."
20. "Behind every successful women is herself."
21. "Strong women rule the world."
22. "Strong women conquer the world."
23. "Be the type of person that you want to meet."
24. "Why not take a selfie when you are feeling good and fresh today."
25. "I wish, i could donate my body fat to those in need."
26. "A selfie a day, keeps your fb friends away."
27. "Believe in your #Selfie."
28. "Best selfie of all time."
29. "Selfies can boost your confidence."
30. "This is one of the selfies i really like."
Caption Bahasa Inggris untuk Postingan Selfie di Facebook
31. "I had spent more than 30 minutes for taking this selfie."
32. "This is called a selfie."
33. "This is just a sample. More coming soon."
34. "Happiness is..taking photos from the perfect angles."
35. "Happiness is..a perfect selfie in just one click."
36. "Happiness is when you have a picture perfect selfie!"
37. "Happiness is..a great selfie. Happiness is..a perfect selfie."
38. "I have no selfie control."
39. "No job is complete until the selfie is posted."
40. "When your selfie goes horribly wrong…"
41. "Oh My God! How cute i am?"
42. "A selfie once a day keeps the depression away."
43. "You don't have to like me; I'm not a Facebook status."
44. "Be sure to hit that like buttons."
45. "Don't copy my style of taking selfies."
Sumber: Thequotesmaster
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