, Jakarta - I used to call you my girl
I used to call you my friend
I used to call you the love
The love that i never had
When i think of you
I dont know what to do
When will i see you again?
I miss you like crazy
Even more than words can say
I miss you like crazy
Every minute of everyday
Girl, i'm so down when you're love's not around
I miss you
Miss you
Miss you
I miss you like crazy
You're all that i want
You're all that i need
(You're all that i need)
Can't you see how i feel?
Can't you see that my pain's so real?
When i think of you
I dont know what to do
When will i see you again?
I miss you like crazy
Even more than words can say
I miss you like crazy
Every minute of everyday
Girl, i'm so down when you're love's not around
I miss you
Miss you
Miss you
I miss you like crazy
I miss you like crazy
Even more than words can say
I miss you like crazy
Every minute of everyday
Girl, i'm so down when you're love's not around
I miss you
Miss you
Miss you
I miss you like crazy
I miss you like crazy
Sumber: Kapanlagi
Berita video pemain terbaik NBA hari ini adalah Lebron James yang berhasil cetak 46 poin (21 di kuarter ke-4), bersama dengan 8 rebound, 6 assist dan 7 FGM tertinggi musim ini, Lakers mengalahkan Cavaliers, 115-108.