
27 Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Diri Sendiri dalam Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Jadi Status di Facebook, Jakarta - Ulang tahun menjadi satu di antara momen istimewa dalam hidup seseorang. Tak hanya identik dengan perayaan dan pesta, momen bertambahnya usia ini bisa menjadi momen introspeksi.

Yap, ulang tahun yang datangnya satu kali dalam satu tahun ini menjadi momen pas untuk memberi kesempatan diri mengevaluasi apa saja yang sudah terjadi, yang dialami, berkat apa yang diterima dari Tuhan, khususnya dalam satu tahun ke belakang.

Ulang tahun harus bisa menjadi gerbang menuju perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik dalam hidup. Jadi, tak sekadar pesta dan bersenang-senang saja.

Di sisi lain, kamu bisa menyemangati diri sendiri pada momen spesial ini, satu di antaranya dengan mengunggah ucapan ulang tahun sebagai status di media sosial Facebook personalmu.

Biarkan seluruh pengikutmu mengetahui, kamu sedang berbahagia dan diliputi syukur pada hari itu, tepat di hari kelahiranmu.

Ada banyak ucapan ulang tahun yang bisa menjadi referensimu, termasuk ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Berikut koleksi ucapan ulang tahun untuk diri sendiri dalam bahasa Inggris, pas dijadikan status di Facebook, dinukil dari Happybirthdaymsg dan Birthdaywishes, Kamis (4/3/2021).

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2 dari 4 halaman

Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Diri Sendiri dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "Today, i just want to thank God for adding another year to my life."

2. "Today, i'm going to have fun with my friends and loved ones because it's a very special day for me."

3. "It’s my birthday! I'm getting older and cooler at the same time, which makes me special. This doesn't often happen to a lot of people!"

4. "Happy birthday to a person that is beautiful, smart, cool and reminds me a lot of myself."

5. "I’m officially a year older today and much cooler than ever. Happy birthday to me."

6. "My journey so far in life has been amazing and i want to thank God for that."

7. "Today is the birthday of one of the world's greatest men."

8. "I'm excited today because it’s my birthday. Today, i pray for happiness, peace and prosperity. I know God will answer my prayers. Happy birthday to myself."

9. "On my special day, i just want to wish myself pure happiness that never ends."

3 dari 4 halaman

Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Diri Sendiri dalam Bahasa Inggris

10. "I am thankful to God for blessing me every single day of my life. I'm a truly blessed soul."

11. "I feel deep within my heart that this special day is going to mark the beginning of a wonderful year for me."

12. "I just want to thank God for keeping me alive to see this special day of mine. Happy birthday to me!"

13. "As I celebrate my birthday, i ask for God’s blessings in my life. May i be blessed with happiness, good health and prosperity."

14. "Wishing myself a great birthday celebration filled with all the love, joy and blessings in the world. I feel so favored to be happy, healthy and alive today."

15. "Happy birthday to me! May countless opportunities forever surround my beautiful life."

16. "Wishing myself a joyous birthday full of God’s amazing blessings."

17. "I guess this is the year i should start lying about my age. Happy birthday to me!"

18. "Wishing myself a super duper birthday! I hope my friends remember my birthday and not my age."

4 dari 4 halaman

Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Diri Sendiri dalam Bahasa Inggris

19. "I have enjoyed all the past years with my family but today i'm going to enjoy my birthday with my friends and family on Facebook. Happy birthday to me."

20. "May this day bring happiness and a life filled with happiness peace and serenity to me."

21. "Thank you for my birthday messages. It’s definitely becoming a birthday to remember and i pray the same goodwill continues throughout the New Year in my life. Happy awesome birthday to me."

22. "May i live as long as i want to, and may i want to live as long as i celebrate this beautiful beginning of another year. To a beautiful life! Happy birthday to me."

23. "One more year of existence gone, i vow to make this new year of my life count. Happy birthday to me on this beautiful day as i make myself more useful, resourceful and happier."

24. "Birthdays are really good for me. The more birthdays I have, the longer i live and of course, the wiser i get."

25. "Hope my birthday will blossom into a lot of dreams come true! Happy birthday to me."

26. "Another birthday! God please slow it down..."

27. "God, if you want to make me infinitely happy on my birthday today, please make my economy incredibly good this year."


Sumber: Happybirthdaymsg, Birthdaywishes

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