, Jakarta - Kata-kata mutiara keren seputar cherry blossom bisa kamu gunakan sebagai pelengkap unggahan foto-foto keindahan bunga sakura yang mekar sempurna di media sosial.
Ada banyak kata-kata mutiara keren cherry blossom, yang pastinya akan membuat unggahanmu menjadi lebih menarik sehingga mengundang lebih banyak like serta komentar.
Cherry blossom atau bunga sakura yang mekar menjadi satu di antara keindahan alam yang banyak dinanti, terutama oleh mereka yang tinggal di negara empat musim. Pada musim semi, khususnya di akhir Maret hingga medio April, bunga sakura dalam berbagai jenis akan mengembang sempurna.
Keindahan bunga sakura mekar ini mengundang ketertarikan banyak orang untuk menikmatinya, bahkan orang-orang dari segala penjuru dunia rela mendatangi negara-negara yang terkenal dengan 'musim' cherry blossom, seperti Jepang dan Korea Selatan.
Di Jepang misalnya, penduduk di Negara Matahari Terbit itu memiliki cara menikmati keindahan bunga sakura yang dikenal dengan istilah 'hanami' atau 'ohanami'.
Keindahan bunga sakura yang mekar, dengan kelopaknya yang berwarna pink serta putih yang cantik, memang terlalu sayang untuk dilewatkan. Apalagi bunga ini mekar pada musim semi, atau setelah musim dingin.
Mekarnya bunga sakura pada musim semi seolah menjadi simbol kehidupan baru muncul kembali seiring tunas-tunas dan kuncup-kuncup mulai menyembul keluar. Musim dingin yang berat telah terlewati, dan musim semi yang menjanjikan ada di depan.
Cherry blossom juga melambangkan kerapuhan dan keindahan hidup. Pengingat bahwa hidup itu luar biasa indahnya, tetapi juga singkat.
Berikut ini koleksi kata-kata mutiara keren seputar cherry blossom, yang bisa kamu jadikan status dan caption di media sosial personalmu, dikutip dari Bayart, Kamis (1/4/2021).
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Kata-Kata Mutiara Keren Cherry Blossom dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. "In the cherry blossom's shade there's no such thing as a stranger." - Kobayashi Issa
2. "What a strange thing! to be alive beneath cherry blossoms." - Kobayashi Issa
3. "From heaven, it descends like, sakura petals drop." - Issa Kobayachi
4. "Ah, if in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace. - Ariwara no Narihira
5. "The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. In their country, the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. It's a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that it is also tragically short." - Homaro Cantu
6. "Flowers enshrine my heart between their petals; that's why my heartbeats love them so much." - Munia Khan
7. "Since ancient times, the Japanese have heralded the arrival of the cherry blossoms because they symbolize the ephemeral beauty of life." - Victoria Abbott Riccardi
8. "Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough." - A. E. Housman
Kata-Kata Mutiara Keren Seputar Cherry Blossom dalam Bahasa Inggris
9. "If I were asked to explain the Japanese spirit, I would say it is wild cherry blossoms glowing in the morning sun!" - Motoori Norinaga
10. "The cherry blossoms have a spiritual meaning for the Japanese people." - Ann McClellan
11. "Sakura, sakura they fall im the dreams of sleeping beauty." - Yosa Buson
12. "I want to do with you what the spring does with the cherry trees." - Pablo Neruda
13. "The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. - When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." - Nhat Hanh
14. "Due to their short bloom time, Sakura blossoms are a metaphor for life itself: beautiful yet fleeting. You’ll realize when you’re as old as me to hang on to the good times because they won’t last forever." - Shannon M Mullen
15. "Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless. The spring comes again." - Ikkyu
16. "It is springtime now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for a cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seeks the violence; you seek the elegance!" - Mehmet Murat Ildan
Kata-Kata Mutiara Keren Cherry Blossom dalam Bahasa Inggris
17. "Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world." - The Tale Of Genji
18. "Sakura, sakura they fall in the dreams of sleeping beauty." - Yosa Buson
19. "Only in dreams of spring shall i ever see again the flowering of my cherry trees." - Frances Hodgson Burnett
20. "Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal." - Erik Pevernagie
21. "It would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry-tree all white with bloom in the moonshine." - Lucy Maud Montgomery
22. "As you scatter and leave, we’ll wait for your return. In next year’s spring, a life that is renewed." - Akiko Ichimaru
23. "The fragrant fallen blossoms have passed me by, I closed my eyes for a moment and thought of you." - Denis J Ryan Harman
24. "Darling, you’re the beauty of a hummingbird and the standstill of a cherry blossom." - Cheyenne Raine
Kata-Kata Mutiara Keren Cherry Blossom dalam Bahasa Inggris
25. "Love is like cherry blossoms. They bloom at the first promise of spring. They beautify even the grayest landscape, they scatter at the first gust of wind. But as they hold, when you look at them, you steal a little view of paradise." - Georgia Kakalopoulou
26. "All around us the blossoms flurry down whispering, Be patient you have an ancient beauty." - Toi Derricotte
27. "How many, many things they call to mind these cherry blossoms!" - Bashō Matsuo
28. "Between our two lives, there is also the life of the cherry blossom." - Bashō Matsuo
29. "I'd like to divide myself in order to see, among these mountains, each and every flower of every cherry tree." - Saigyo
30. "I'll be like Sakura Tree branching out to touch everybody’s soul and their inner sense of beauty." - Haruhi
31. "I bloomed up all over again despite knowing, cherry blossoms are only meant to wither." - Eayra
Sumber: Bayart, Passporttoeden
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