, Jakarta - Hari Jumat Agung merupakan peringatan kematian Yesus Kristus sebelum bangkit pada hari Paskah. Wafatnya Yesus di atas kayu salib diimani umat Kristiani sebagai bentuk penebusan dosa umat manusia.
Untuk merayakan hari Jumat Agung, kamu bisa saling berbagi kata-kata ucapan Jumat Agung dalam bahasa Inggris.
Selain secara langsung, kamu bisa juga menyampaikan melalui pesan singkat atau dijadikan status di media sosial.
Hanya, merangkai kata-kata ucapan Jumat Agung dalam bahasa Inggris bukan perkara mudah. Tak sedikit orang yang bingung menyusun kata-kata ucapan Jumat Agung dalam bahasa Inggris yang indah.
Kamu tak perlu risau, ada berbagai bentuk kata-kata ucapan Jumat Agung dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu gunakan. Tinggal pilih saja mana di antara ide kata-kata ucapan Jumat Agung dalam bahasa Inggris yang paling menarik.
Berikut kumpulan kata-kata ucapan Jumat Agung dalam bahasa Inggris, dikutip dari Yourfates, Jumat (2/4/2021).
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Kata-Kata Ucapan Jumat Agung dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. "Very thankful for the many blessings the Lord has given me I adore you, Lord."
2. "Happy Good Friday! May God turn this Good Friday into a blissful beginning of your life. May God fill your life with goodness on this holy day."
3. "Jesus Christ bore all in silence because he accepted us in him. I hope we can return the same to him. Have a blessed Good Friday."
4. "On this occasion, I pray that God is always there to give you his blessings and take good care of you. Best wishes on Good Friday to you."
5. "May God gives you mercy, forgiveness, and love in your life to make it a beautiful life…. Wishing you a very Happy Good Friday."
6. "May Good Friday bring peace and prosperity in your own life. May the Holy Spirit shield you from any threat. The Lord Lights your way up now and always."
7. "Good Friday is beautiful because it reminds us that we matter to the great Lord. Have a divine Good Friday with your family and loved ones."
8. "May you and your loved ones are always showered with the choicest blessings of the Almighty. Warm wishes on Good Friday to you."
9. "Wishing you a very blessed and Happy Good Friday. May this holy day bring into our life happiness and goodness."
10. "Happy Good Friday! May God turn this Good Friday into a blissful beginning of your life. May God fill your life with goodness on this holy day."
Kata-Kata Ucapan Jumat Agung dalam Bahasa Inggris
11. "Very thankful for the many blessings the Lord has given me I adore you, Lord. Happy Good Friday to all!"
12. "We are blessed because Lord loves you. He was born for us and sacrificed his life for us. It’s a day to be grateful to our Lord for every pain he bored in silence."
13. "Holy Friday is the opportunity to recall the sacrifices of the Lord that had been crucified and expired to the sins of humanity to save the world. Warm wishes on Easter Good Friday for you."
14. "Sending my best wishes on this holy occasion of Good Friday. May your heart be filled with kindness, joy, and happiness."
15. "On the occasion of Good Friday, let us thank Almighty for all the love and blessings he has showered us with. Wishing you a very Happy Good Friday."
16. "On the auspicious occasion of Good Friday, I am sending you warm wishes for a day full of goodness, joy, and smiles with your loved ones."
17. "On this day, our Lord made a great sacrifice and freed us all from sins. Let us all take a moment and thank our Lord for all the love he has blessed us with."
18. "I’m praying to Lord that he keeps you safe always and surrounds your life with eternal love and happiness. Wishing you a Holy Good Friday!"
19. "May the sacrifice of our Savior be the inspiration for you to go forward and follow the light of redemption. Have a blissful time on this Holy Easter Friday!"
20. "May the love of Jesus fill your heart with heavenly bliss and holy desires for now and forever. Wishing you a Holy Good Friday my friend!"
Kata-Kata Ucapan Jumat Agung dalam Bahasa Inggris
21. "Don’t ask God to put an end to your problems but always ask him for strength to face the challenges of life. Happy Good Friday to you."
22. "May he bestow your home and heart with eternal happiness and goodness to make this journey of life a beautiful one for you. Happy Good Friday."
23. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. May you Reside within his abiding love my Jesus who had been born in a manger Be born again on your Heart. Happy Good Friday 2021."
24. "The day is the celebration of fearlessness; when you face problems in life, do not pray to God to let them away, but ask God to give you the courage to face the challenge. The victory will be yours. Happy Good Friday my dear friend."
25. "On Good Friday, let us remember Jesus who was crucified for our sins. Let us pray for him to show us the sinless way of living our lives. Dear friend, warm wishes on Good Friday to you."
26. "Every problem comes with a purpose. Do not ask to take away these problems but ask him to show you the right path to follow in life. Warm Good Friday wishes to you, my friend."
27. "Warm wishes on Good Friday to you my dear. May Jesus shower you with all his love and care for a blessed life."
28. "Wishing everyone a blessed Good Friday. May He is always there to enlighten us with knowledge and bless us with positivity in life."
30. "Let us say thanks to the son of God for bearing our sins and sacrificing his life for us. We hope we can show kindness and forgiveness to others which he taught us through his deeds. Have a blessed Good Friday!"
Sumber: Yourfates
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