, Jakarta - Umat Kristiani tentu sudah tidak sabar untuk menyambut Natal yang datang setiap 25 Desember. Natal adalah peringatan hari lahirnya Yesus Kristus, yang dirayakan oleh umat Kristiani di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia.
Kamu bisa memanfaatkan momen Natal untuk mengekspresikan cinta dan kasih kepada teman, keluarga, pasangan, kolega, dan orang yang kamu sayangi lainnya.
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Kamu bisa mengekspresikan cinta dan kasih kepada orang yang kamu sayangi, satu di antaranya lewat ucapan Natal.
Kamu bisa memberikan kata-kata ucapan Natal melalui pesan singkat atau mengunggahnya di media sosial.
Untuk memberikan kesan anti mainstream, kamu bisa menuliskannya menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Ucapan natal dalam bahasa Inggris tidak kalah indah dan memiliki arti serta makna yang mendalam juga.
Berikut ini kumpulan ucapan Natal dalam bahasa Inggris, yang cocok dikirim ke orang yang kamu sayangi, dikutip dari Interflora dan Womansday, Jumat (24/12/2021).
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Ucapan Natal dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. "Have yourself a Merry little Christmas, let your heart be light."
2. "May this Christmas season bring you closer to all those that you treasure in your heart. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!"
3. "I hope Santa is good to you this year because you only deserve the best. Merry Christmas from our family to yours."
4. "Take nothing for granted and be thankful that you have such great family and friends to spend this joyous season with. Wishing you a delightful Christmas."
5. "Wishing you and your family health, happiness, peace and prosperity this Christmas and in the coming New Year."
6. "Yay! It's Christmas! Let's buy loads of stuff no one needs!"
7. "Whoever said 'all is calm' has never been to our house around Christmas. Some might say we're not very bright, either."
8. "I only got you a card in case you got me one..."
9. "You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage and tangled Christmas tree lights."
10. "I hope you like the present you told me to buy for you."
Ucapan Natal dalam Bahasa Inggris
11. "I hope your Christmas is as wonderful as you are."
12. "Your friendship and your love is the best Christmas gift that I've ever received."
13. "This is the message of Christmas: We are never alone."
14. "Merry Christmas! Wishing you all the happiness in the world.”
15. “Wishing you peace and joy all season long. Happy Holidays!”
16. “Christmas is a time for family, food and fellowship. Wishing you nothing but the best that the season has to offer.”
17. “I hope your holiday is full of love, peace and joy!”
18. “Merry Christmas! This coming year, may you be gifted with countless blessings.”
19. “This holiday season, may you and your family experience light and laughter.”
20. “It's people like you that make Christmas a sacred, meaningful occasion. Merry Christmas!”
Ucapan Natal dalam Bahasa Inggris
21. “Gifts come and go, what really matters are the people who light up our lives all year long. Thank you!”
22. “Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year. Happy Holidays!”
23. “I know we’re still social distancing, but I sure would like to get within 6-feet of your smile. Merry Christmas!”
24. “I’m going to miss taking elfies with you this Christmas. Maybe we can “say cheese” virtually!”
25. “They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. I guess that means my heart is bursting with fondness. I miss you. Merry Christmas!”
26. “I miss spending Christmas with you, but our precious memories will keep me warm all season long.”
27. “We're apart physically, but we're connected in our hearts.”
28. “I wish Santa would bring you here on his sleigh, but I guess I’ll settle for a video or phone call.”
29. “Sending you love, strength and unwavering support this holiday season.”
30. “I know it’s been an incredibly challenging year. Wishing you and your family brighter days ahead. Merry Christmas!”
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