
Kumpulan Contoh Naskah Pidato Singkat Berbagai Tema dalam Bahasa Inggris, Jakarta - Pidato bahasa Inggris pada dasarnya sama dengan pidato dalam bahasa Indonesia, yang membedakan hanyalah bahasa yang digunakan.

Pidato dapat didefinisikan sebagai kegiatan kita berbicara di depan khalayak umum untuk menyampaikan pendapat atau aspirasi mengenai suatu hal yang penting dan layak diperbincangkan.

Sesuai definisinya, pidato mengungkapkan pikiran, ide, serta gagasan yang akan ditujukkan pada banyak orang dan memiliki tujuan tertentu.

Untuk membantu kamu dalam berpidato dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa hal yang perlu dipersiapkan. Satu di antara yang harus disiapkan ialah naskah pidato.

Naskah pidato bahasa Inggris diperlukan dipersiapkan agar pidato berjalan dengan lancar.

Berikut ini beberapa contoh naskah pidato singkat berbagai tema dalam bahasa Inggris, yang bisa jadi bahan inspirasi kamu, dikutip dari laman Inggrism dan Passinggrade, Kamis (24/3/2022).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris 1

Good morning, on this happy occasion, I want to deliver a speech about education. As we know, education plays an important role for the progress of a nation.

If the education of the people is left behind, then the population will experience difficulties in adapting and facing pressure from the outside world.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the government holds many programs to support the progress of education in Indonesia, one of which is by allocating large amounts of funds, so the dropout rate can be reduced and more students can get the right to education.

Actually, education can not only be obtained at school. Even outside of school we can use technology to access education. Take advantage of an online platform that can be accessed for free to get free knowledge from various parts of the world, so that we can compete with the people out there.

Developing countries are also very concerned about the quality of the education of their people, so it is not surprising that the quality of campus abroad is quite good, even many Indonesians decide to gain knowledge out there.

3 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris 2

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

Let's thank a lot to Allah Swt. for his blessing that we can gather here in this good occasion. Let's also price and send greeting to our illuminator great prophet Muhammad saw. The honorable, The principle of JHS Pangeran Jayakarta and my beloved friends.

The topic of my speech is National Education Day. Every 2nd May, we celebrate it, on struggle era, Indonesian citizen could not allow to school. They wanted Indonesian always to be stupid, So, we couldn't war against them. But Indonesian's youth tried to get education, especially from the wealthy people, one of them was Ki Hajar Dewantara. He is an Education hero, because of him, we can be study at school, our task is only to fight stupidity.

That will be all for my speech. I hope it will be useful for us, Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

4 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris 3

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Dear ladies and parents /guardians of students

Esteemed the invitation that has been present suit our invitation

Dear ladies and teachers

There are lot of things that perhaps we need to know together so that later in the learning process to create good conditions for our learning process. One that I wanted to mention is that it is definitely in every school will be in place including schooldiscipline at this school.

Of the many benefits of 10 disciplines, among which this is identified by us as parents!

  1. Foster sensitivity.
  2. Foster care.
  3. Teach regularity.
  4. Cultivate peace.
  5. Cultivate an attitude of confidence.
  6. Foster self-reliance.
  7. Foster intimacy.
  8. Help brain development.
  9. Help children with special needs, ie a hyperactive child, late development, or tempertantrums.
  10. Foster compliance.

Here are ten benefits of discipline will be felt by our children that it all boils down to the good of our children.

So first of what I have to say. We are sorry if there are words that offend or do not deserve to be delivered. Once again apologize profusely.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

5 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris 4

Ladies and gentlemen, bullying may seem like a small problem for some people. Most people may not realize that the damage caused by bullying can be so serious.

It can be as serious as "death" in extreme cases. If you think that bullying is not a serious matter to deal with just because it merely hurt "feelings" then I have to tell you that you are completely wrong.

This "merely hurt your feelings" thing can be the beginning of various worse scenarios such as physical assault, suicide, or any other kinds of violent acts carried out in the name of revenge.

As I said just now that bullying is not a serious problem for some people, just because we simply don't see the damage. But the thing is, based on my experience as a teacher, I learned that the effect of bullying can stay undetected for years.

During this time, the effect of bullying keeps corrupting the soul of the victim. They may hold it inside as a grudge, or they may also develop trauma which may result in self-withdrawal.

I believe that this is something that we don't want to happen to our children. That is why we have to act right now to stop it, and I mean all of us with no exception.


Sumber: Inggrism, Passinggrade

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