, Jakarta - Thanks for all you've done
I've missed you for so long
I cant believe you're gone and
You still live in meI feel you in the wind
You guide me constantly
I never knew what it was to be alone
No, cause you we're always there for me
You we're always home waiting
But now I come home and I miss your face so
Smiling down on me
I close my eyes to see
And I know you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I cant hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me
I carry the things that remind me of you
In loving memory ofthe one that was so true
You were as kind as you could be
And even thought your gone
You still mean the world to me
I never knew what it was to be alone
No, cause you we're always there for me
You we're always home waiting
But now I come home and it's not the same
No, it feels empty and along
I just can't believe your gone
And I know you’re a part of me
And its your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I cant hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me
I'm glad he set you free from sorrow
but I'll still love you more tomorrow
And you’ll be here with me still
All you did you did with feeling
And you always found a meaning
And you always will
And you always willAnd you always will
And I know you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me
Sumber: Youtube
Berita video spotlight kali ini membahas tentang lima pemain kelas dunia yang perna dilatih Pep Guardiola.
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