, Jakarta - Contoh surat pribadi banyak dicari karena dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kamu tentu sudah tidak asing dengan perihal surat-menyurat.
Menurut tujuan suratnya, surat dapat dikelompokkan menjadi surat resmi (formal) dan surat tidak resmi (informal)
Surat resmi contohnya surat keputusan, surat lamaran kerja, surat kuasa, surat permohonan, surat dinas, surat edaran, surat perintah, surat niaga, dan sebagainya.
Sedangkan surat tidak resmi, seperti surat pribadi yang kamu kirim ke anggota keluarga, teman, kekasih, dan lain sebagainya.
Beberapa perbedaan dari surat resmi dan tidak resmi, antara lain penggunaan gaya bahasa. Dalam surat resmi, kamu dituntut untuk menggunakan bahasa baku. Untuk surat tidak resmi, kamu dapat menggunakan gaya bahasa sehari-hari.
Hal ini juga berlaku untuk surat pribadi dalam bahasa Inggris.
Di sisi lain, tidak semua orang bisa menulis surat pribadi dalam bahasa Inggris. Kamu dapat mempelajarinya dengan banyak membaca dan mencermati contoh-contohnya. Ada banyak contoh surat pribadi dalam bahasa Inggris.
Di bawah ini, beberapa contoh surat pribadi dalam bahasa Inggris, yang bisa kamu pelajari, dikutip dari Studynlearn, Senin (21/8/2022).
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Contoh Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris
Ada banyak topik untuk menulis surat pribadi, di antaranya:
- Mengundang teman untuk acara ulang tahun.
- Mengundang atau mengajak teman untuk liburan bersama.
- Meminta maaf kepada seseorang atas kesalahan yang telah kamu lakukan.
- Mengucapkan selamat kepada teman atas keberhasilan atau pencapaiannya.
- Meminta bantuan dari seseorang.
- Sekadar menanyakan kabar dan memberitahukan kabar terkini darimu
- Menginformasikan tentang kematian seseorang dalam keluarga atau teman.
Tidak ada seperti surat resmi yang memiliki format khusus, dalam penulisan surat pribadi lebih fleksibel. Meski begitu, pada umumnya ada beberapa unsur yang terdapat dalam surat pribadi, seperti:
- Alamat pengirim
- Tanggal menulis surat
- Alamat penerima
- Salam/Salam
- Badan surat
- Kesimpulan
- Tanda tangan pengirim
Contoh 1
Contoh surat pribadi mengajak menghabiskan liburan bersama teman:
Pasar Kamis, Jakarta
January 16, 2020
Dear Ratih,
It's been a long time since we met. How are you? I hope you are doing well? I hope this letter finds you in good health.
As you know that vacation has already started, I was thinking of spending the vacations together in Jakarta. I want you to take you out on the city tour as well as introduce my friends and family to you. I would love to go out and have street food with you.
I am just excited at the thought of me and you spending the vacations together. I just hope that you share your response with me and let me know if it possible for you to come to my place.
With lots of love,
Yours lovingly,
Contoh 2
Contoh surat pribadi mendoakan kesembuhan teman:
Pasar Kamis, Jakarta
January 16, 2020
Dear Setyo,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. Last week I got to know about your accident and I was highly depressed.
Thank God that he saved you from something very serious. Everything is going to be ok. I had a word with the doctor yesterday and he told me that there is nothing to worry about for the time being. Just a few more days in the hospital and you will be back home! I also had a talk with your mom and she was very upset with whatever has happened. But now she is happy that you are recovering.
I have good news for you. Your family and friends including me have decided to celebrate once you come back. My brother and other family members are also praying for your speedy recovery. Hope to see you soon and in good health!
Lots of Love,
Yours truly,
Contoh 3
Contoh surat pribadi memberikan selamat atas pencapaian teman:
February 11, 2020
Hi Alex,
I hope you're doing well! I just heard from Sandra that you accepted the assistant swim coach position there. Congratulations! I know how challenging it can be to land your dream job right out of college, and I'm so honored to have provided you a letter of recommendation for that role. I know you will make an exceptional swim coach and make a real impact on the young athletes at UNS.
Congrats again. No one is more deserving of this role than you are, and I look forward to hearing about your new venture in person.
Contoh 4
Contoh surat pribadi meminta maaf kepada teman:
Bantul, Yogyakarta
January 16, 2020
Dear Yuli,
I hope you are doing well. I know you are angry with me about what has happened at your birthday party. I wish to apologize and I want you to forgive me. I don’t our friendship to spoil.
I know whatever has happened was not right. The thing is I was not in a mood that day. My exams were not good and my mother really scolded me. I shouldn’t have behaved with you like that. I promise not to behave like that the next time. I am really sorry about what I said.
Hope you pardon me for my mistakes. Let’s meet if possible! Eagerly waiting for your response!
With love
Yours truly,
Sumber: Studynlearn
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