, Jakarta - Contoh simple present tense banyak dicari, terutama bagi mereka yang sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Simple present tense merupakan satu di antara 16 tenses bahasa Inggris yang perlu dipelajari dan dipahami.
Sebelum mempelajari tenses yang lain, ada baiknya kamu lebih dulu memahami simple present tense lantaran simple present tense merupakan "dasar" tenses bahasa Inggris. Bisa dibilang, para pemula harus menguasai simple present tense sebelum meningkat ke tenses lainnya.
Perlu diingat, simple present tense digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, di antaranya:
- Untuk menyatakan fakta
- Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang dilakukan berulang-ulang
- Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan atau rutinitas yang sering dilakukan
- Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum
- Untuk menyatakan kejadian, peristiwa yang berlangsung atau terjadi saat ini
Simple present tense terdiri dari dua jenis, yakni nominal dan verbal.
Kalimat nominal ialah kalimat yang predikatnya bukan kalimat kerja. Sedangkan kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang predikatnya kata kerja.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, kamu bisa mencermati contoh simple present tense di bawah ini, yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, Selasa (30/8/2022).
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Rumus Simple Past Tense
Rumus Simple Present Tense
1. Kalimat Nominal
Kalimat Nominal Positif: Subjek + to be (is/am/are) + objek
Contoh: He is very patience.
Kalimat Nominal Negatif: Subjek + to be (is/am/are) + not + objek
Contoh: He is not very patience.
Kalimat Nominal Tanya: To be + subjek + objek + ?
Contoh: Is he very patience?
2. Kalimat Verbal
Kalimat Verbal Positif: Subjek + V1 + objek
Contoh: He goes to school.
Kalimat Verbal Negatif: Subjek + (does not / do not) + V1 + objek
Contoh: He does not go to school.
Kalimat Verbal Tanya: Does/ do + subjek + V1 + objek
Contoh: Does he go to school?
Kalimat Verbal Tanya: Question word + does/do + subjek + V1
Contoh: Why does Tony talk so quickly?
Kalimat Verbal Tanya: Does/do + subjek + V1 + choice A + or + choice B
Contoh: Do they want hamburger or sausages?
Contoh Simple Present Tense Positif
1. It snows a lot in winter in Russia.
2. We live in Texas.
3. You go to holiday every summer.
4. My brother takes out the trash.
5. The course starts next Sunday.
6. We see them every week.
7. My daughter does the laundry.
8. Cows eat grass.
9. My brother lives in Singapore.
10. My dog runs very fast.
11. She swims every morning.
12. She plays basketball.
13. My boyfriend loves this song.
14. He catches the train every morning.
15. He goes to football every day.
16. Washington is not in the United Kingdom.
17. My Dad never works on the weekends.
18. I have no money at the moment.
19. The sun rises at the east.
20. My mother never lies.
Contoh Simple Present Tense Negatif
1. You don't listen to me.
2. I don't wash the dishes.
3. I don't like tea.
4. 5. They don’t have any money.
6. Alex doesn't work.
7. She doesn't see Adam every day.
8. My father doesn't speak good English.
9. California is not in the United Kingdom.
10. She doesn't teach chemistry.
11. The train does not leave at 12 AM.
12. She doesn't use a computer.
13. He doesn't teach math.
14. It doesn't rain here in the summer.
15. She doesn't study Math on Monday.
16. The bus does not arrive at 11 AM.
17. Paul doesn't play the guitar very well.
18. My friends don’t usually leave so early.
19. I don't like the food they serve at that restaurant.
20. I do not want to go with you!
Contoh Simple Present Tense Tanya
1. Do we know each other?
2. Do you like spaghetti?
3. Does he play tennis?
4. Do they talk a lot ?
5. Does she drink coffee?
6. Does she live in Paris?
7. Do you know his name?
8. Does he write an email?
9. Does Jenny have a brother?
10. Do you eat ice cream?
11. Does Jonathan always turn off the lights?
12. Don't you ever clean your room?
13. Do you surf the Internet every day?
14. Does your boss give you positive feedback?
15. Does he bring his cellphone?
16. Do I need this book?
17. How much does the ticket cost?
18. How much does the ticket cost?
19. When do you want to meet me?
20. Why does Beth always complain so much?
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