
32 Kata-Kata Kopi di Pagi Hari dalam Bahasa Inggris, Jadi Mood Booster

Koleksi kata-kata kopi di pagi hari dalam bahasa Inggris, bisa jadi mood booster-mu., Jakarta - Kata-kata kopi di pagi hari dalam bahasa Inggris bisa menjadi penambah semangat bagimu menjalani hari. Sambil ngopi sebelum beraktivitas, kamu bisa membacanya.

Bagi beberapa orang, pagi hari dan kopi tidak bisa dipisahkan. Pagi hari belumlah 'sempurna' tanpa kehadiran secangkir kopi kesukaan. Kebiasaan itu pun menjadi seolah menjadi ritual.

Aromanya dari asap di cangkir yang mengepul, citarasa pahit mungkin dengan sedikit asam, membuat pagimu terasa lengkap. 

Setelah beberapa teguk, kamu segera merasa penuh energi dan siap untuk menjalani harimu. Kamu pun siap menjalani tantangan yang ada di depanmu. Benar-benar menakjubkan!

Apa pun jenis kopi favoritmu, kamu bisa merasakan keterkaitan dengan kata-kata kopi di pagi hari berikut ini. 

Di bawah ini kumpulan kumpulan kata-kata kopi di pagi hari dalam bahasa Inggris, dikutip dari Lovetoknow, Kamis (22/9/2022).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Kopi di Pagi Hari dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "It's always good to have a little creamer with your morning coffee. It will sweeten you up in no time."

2. "Coffee is like a drink of the gods. It brings me back to life."

3. "You can never have too much coffee. I mean, I've never met a coffee I didn't like."

4. "Coffee is a little cup of love and a day of happiness."

5. "Coffee is my good morning."

6. "Great mornings start with the heavenly aroma of coffee."

7. "You can't have a bad day when you start your morning with coffee."

8. "A great cup of coffee and the ears of a good friend are the best kind of therapy."




3 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Kopi di Pagi Hari dalam Bahasa Inggris

9. "Coffee and friends are treasures that go together."

10. "Only a good friend knows exactly what you like in your coffee."

11. "The difference between a good friend and a great friend is defined by the size of the coffee they bring me in the morning."

12. "Morning coffee and friends are the true pleasures in life."

13. "Coffee brings everyone together in the morning."

14. "My morning coffee is like my friends. Bold and invigorating."

15. "Do not talk to me before I've had my morning coffee. The conversation never ends well."

16. "Coffee: keeping the zombies away one cup at a time."

4 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Kopi di Pagi Hari dalam Bahasa Inggris

17. "Mornings filled with the proper level of caffeine are brighter."

18. "Whoever said money can't buy happiness never bought a cup of coffee."

19. "This good morning is brought to you by coffee."

20. "The thought of a morning without coffee is just too hard to imagine."

21. "Coffee addiction, you say. Well, my friend, you've never met me without coffee."

22. "My personality is a bit like my coffee, dark and sweet."

23. "My love language is coffee. It's hot and sweet."

24. "Life truly begins after the first glorious sip."

5 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Kopi di Pagi Hari dalam Bahasa Inggris

25. "I wake up for coffee."

26. "Make it better. Have a cup of coffee."

27. "My personality comes alive after my morning coffee."

28. "Coffee is rich, golden happiness in a mug."

29. "To get through, I need my morning brew."

30. "My happiness is measured in coffee."

31. "Coffee helps me human."

32. "Today was fueled by coffee."


Sumber: Lovetoknow

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