
40 Kata-Kata Malam Aesthetic Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Jadi Status Media Sosial

Koleksi kata-kata malam aesthetic dalam bahasa Inggris, yang pas untuk dijadikan status di media sosial personal., Jakarta - Kata-kata malam aesthetic (dalam bahasa Indonesia: estetis) bisa menjadi pengantar istirahat dan jelang tidur yang menenangkan. 

Kamu juga bisa menggunakan kata-kata tersebut sebagai status di media sosial personalmu. Itulah mengapa, kata-kata malam yang estetis banyak dicari, terutama dalam bahasa Inggris.

Bagi banyak orang, malam hari merupakan kesempatan untuk memulihkan diri sebelum kembali berjuang menjalani kehidupan esok hari.

Malam juga tepat untuk mengevaluasi diri atas apa yang dilakukan sepanjang hari. Dengan begitu, kekurangan hari ini bisa diperbaiki esok hari.

Selain berisi pesan untuk introspeksi, kata-kata malam aesthetic sangat indah dan puitis sehingga membuat tenang dan mengesankan siapa saja yang membacanya.

Nah, berikut koleksi kata-kata malam aesthetic bahasa Inggris, cocok jadi status di media sosial, dikutip dari Turbofuture, Sabtu (28/1/2023).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Malam Aesthetic Bahasa Inggris

1. "Rest profoundly. Sleep serenely. Dream pleasantly."

2. "Alone, I enjoy life with the stars."

3. "Calling it a night with a little prayer."

4. "Close your eyes, make a wish, and whisper good night."

5. "Cool breeze. Dark night. Bright stars."

6. "Day is over, and night has come."

7. "Goodbye, real world. Hello, dream world."

8. "Darkness can be so romantic at times."

9. "Just let the pretty lights guide you home."

10. "Late night. Blurry lights. Deep mind."

3 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Malam Aesthetic Bahasa Inggris

11. "Look at how the stars shine for all of us."

12. "Meet me in the dream world tonight."

13. "Someday, we won't ever have to say goodbye. Only good night."

14. "Only in the night can you see my spark."

15. "Tonight, I'll be making friends with the stars."

16. "Whenever the sun dips below the horizon, something awakens in me."

17. "Without darkness, we won't see the stars."

18. "You see those stars decorating the night sky? Let's gaze upon them and admire them."

19. "A certain amount of darkness is necessary for us to see the stars."

20. "All the good memories are yours to keep, so just relax and sleep in peace."

4 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Malam Aesthetic Bahasa Inggris

21. "Blissful dreams arise from the silent hours of the night."

22. "Fear not the night, for you are accompanied by the stars."

23. "Dark nights are the bridges to bright tomorrows."

24. "Just forget all your worries and do some fun in your dreams."

25. "Keep all your worries out of sight, for night has finally come."

26. "No candle, or any alternative source of light, can ever replace the sun."

27. "See dreams at night, make them real at day."

28. "The darker the night, the better, for the stars are even brighter."

29. "The greatest painting you can look at is a sky full of stars."

30. "The sky grew darker, slowly but surely, into a deeper shade of night."

5 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Malam Aesthetic Bahasa Inggris

31. "Unimaginable things seem imaginable at night when everyone is asleep."

32. "We see the same stars, yet we see such different things."

33. "As the night sinks into deeper darkness, let your worries fade along with it."

34. "Every so often, the night feels even more alive and more vibrant than the day."

35. "I saw the moon and it reminded me of you."

36. "Hello darkness, my old friend."

37. "Late night. Deep thoughts. Good music."

38. "Sometimes, the moon is all I have."

39. "At night is where life actually begins."

40. "Good night stars, good night sky, good night moon."


Sumber: Turbofuture

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