
5 Contoh Announcement Text yang Bisa Dijadikan Sumber Belajar, Jakarta - Anouncement text merupakan satu di antara jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang kerap ditemui dalam keseharian.

Biasanya kita menjumpai anouncement text di sekolah, instansi pemerintah, stasiun, bandara, rumah sakit atau tempat-tempat umum lainnya.

Penyampaian anouncement text dapat melalui pengeras suara bahkan televisi atau di pajang di papan informasi, majalah maupun koran. Lantas apa itu anouncement text?

Announcement text atau teks pengumuman adalah suatu pernyataan yang memuat informasi tentang peristiwa yang akan terjadi.

Adapun tujuan dari announcement text untuk mengumumkan suatu informasi penting yang berguna bagi masyarakat atau orang-orang tertentu.

Itulah sedikit ulasan mengenai announcement text. Untuk memahami materinya, ada beberapa contoh teks yang bisa dipelajari pada artikel ini.

Berikut ini lima contoh announcement text yang bisa dijadikan sumber belajar, dikutip dari laman Ukulele dan Kursustoefl, Senin (27/2/2023).

Yuk gabung channel whatsapp untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru tentang Timnas Indonesia, BRI Liga 1, Liga Champions, Liga Inggris, Liga Italia, Liga Spanyol, bola voli, MotoGP, hingga bulutangkis. Klik di sini (JOIN)

2 dari 6 halaman

Contoh Announcement Text Lomba Baca Puisi


Our school will hold a poetry reading competition which will be held on May 15, 2019. Poetry is required to be a work of its own with a free theme.

Free registration is free of charge, starting from 6 to 9 May 2019 in the Student Council room. Register yourself immediately because there are many prizes. Thank you – Student Council

3 dari 6 halaman

Contoh Announcement Text Pendaftaran Anggota Pencinta Alam


PALASTA Nature Lovers opens new member registration. For students who are interested, please come on Saturday, November 14 2020 at 3 pm in the PALASTA room.

Please bring a 3×4 photo.

For more information, contact David on 08155 0000 0000

4 dari 6 halaman

Contoh Announcement Text Hari Jadi Sekolah


In order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of our school, OSIS will hold several competitions including reading poetry, singing, storytelling, cooking, and many more.

The event will be held on:

Day: Saturday, 18 February 2013

Time: 8 am to 5 pm

All classes are required to send their representatives to participate and participate.

For registration and other information please contact the OSIS. Thank you

5 dari 6 halaman

Contoh Announcement Text Pelajaran Tambahan

All grade 12 students are required to take additional lessons which will start on May 9 to June 24, 2014. Additional lessons are held every Monday to Thursday 14.00 – 15.30 pm. All students are required to take this additional class to support optimal results in the national final exam

Thank you

6 dari 6 halaman

Contoh Announcement Text di Bandara

Dear ladies and gentlemen, passengers of the Sky Air flight with flight number BF332 from Jakarta to Surakarta, are expected to move to lobby C to check in. Once again, all passengers on Sky Air flights with flight number BF332 from Jakarta to Surakarta are expected to move to lobby C to check in.


Sumber: Ukulele, Kursustoefl

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