
32 Kata-Kata Ucapan Kamis Putih dalam Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini 32 kata-kata ucapan Kamis Putih dalam bahasa Inggris, yang penuh kesan positif., Jakarta - Kamis Putih merupakan satu di antara hari besar dalam kalender umat kristiani. Kamis Putih ialah awal Trihari Suci menuju Hari Raya Paskah.

Dilansir laman, Kamis Putih merupakan peringatan perjamuan terakhir yang dilakukan Yesus Kristus kepada murid-murid-Nya sekaligus membasuh kaki mereka.

Perjamuan terakhir merupakan peristiwa di malam hari sebelum Yesus Kristus ditangkap di Taman Getsemani kemudian disalibkan, lalu dibangkitkan.

Kamis Putih dapat dimaknai juga sebagai peristiwa yang menjadi tanda Yesus Kristus telah mendekati kematian-Nya.

Dalam rangka menyambut Kamis Putih, tak lengkapnya rasanya tidak saling berbagi kata-kata ucapan, baik kepada keluarga, kerabat, maupun saudara seiman.

Nah, kamu bisa pun menyampaikan kata-kata ucapan Kamis Putih menggunakan bahasa Inggris biar terkesan berbeda.

Berikut ini 32 kata-kata ucapan Kamis Putih dalam bahasa Inggris, penuh kesan positif, dikutip dari Captionpie dan Wishesandquotes, Kamis (6/4/2023).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Ucapan Kamis Putih dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "Wishing you a blessed Maundy Thursday filled with love, compassion, and grace."

2. "Follow the Almighty Lord with all your heart, for he cares for you. Happy Maundy Thursday."

3. "We cannot measure the love of God through words, but could only be felt. Happy Maundy Thursday."

4. "God has sacrificed a lot for us. Let us be thankful and share our love with others. Happy Maundy Thursday."

5. "Wishing you a joyous Maundy Thursday, Let us remember the sacrifice of Jesus and his message of love."

6. "Love is all about sacrifice. Let us all show our love through sacrifice to others on this Maundy Thursday."

7. "May the grace of the Lord inspire you to spread kindness and joy wherever you go. Happy Maundy Thursday."

8. "Wishing you a blessed Maundy Thursday, let us remember the love of the Lord on this blessed day."

3 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Ucapan Kamis Putih dalam Bahasa Inggris

9. "Let nothing fear you for the Lord can do anything in your life. Happy Maundy Thursday."

10. "On this Maundy Thursday, let us remember that even in the midst of betrayal and suffering, love and forgiveness can prevail."

11. "The Lord has loved us so much that he even accepted death for us. Let us remember his sacrifice on this Maundy Thursday."

12. "Let us all humble ourselves before the Lord with all our hearts and seek his blessings. Happy Maundy Thursday."

13. "Maundy Thursday reminds us that even the smallest acts of service and kindness can make a big difference in the world."

14. "May the grace and compassion of Maundy Thursday fill our hearts with hope and renew our faith in humanity."

15. "Let us celebrate Maundy Thursday by striving to live our lives with selfless love and care."

16. "May this day be filled with an abundance of blessings from our Lord. Happy Maundy Thursday."

4 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Ucapan Kamis Putih dalam Bahasa Inggris

17. "Wishing you a blessed Maundy Thursday, as we remember the life and teachings of Jesus Christ."

18. "May we be filled with gratitude for the sacrifices he has done for us. Happy Maundy Thursday."

19. "May this Maundy Thursday start with fasting and prayer so that we can bring. God's mercy and forgiveness on all mankind. Let's pray together."

20. "May you receive all blessings on this great Holy Thursday and find the right path today. Wishing you and your family Maundy Thursday."

21. "May the love of Jesus fill your heart with heavenly bliss and holy desires for now and forever. Wishing you a Happy Maundy Thursday."

22. "Lord Jesus has always loved us and that is why He took all our sins upon Himself. Wishing you a very Happy Maundy Thursday today."

23. "Let us all try to imbibe the goodness of the Lord Jesus and remember him with love and respect in our hearts. Wishing Maundy Thursday."

24. "When you face problems, don't ask God to take them away, ask him to show you his purpose. Wishing everyone a Happy Maundy Thursday."

5 dari 5 halaman

Kata-Kata Ucapan Kamis Putih dalam Bahasa Inggris

25. "Get together on this great day of Maundy Thursday to celebrate this great occasion and so spread love from God with family."

26. "May God turn this Maundy Holy Thursday into a blissful beginning of your life. May God fill your life with goodness on this holy day."

27. "Humility and selflessness are the only great example of winning in life, and Jesus Christ is the perfect example. Wishing Maundy Thursday."

28. "May you find hope and happiness, goodness, and luck in your life. Let's raise awareness and celebrate Maundy Thursday with all."

29. "Let us all engage in celebration and feast as it is the day of Maundy Thursday. Wish you and your loved ones a cheerful Holy Thursday."

30. "Let us celebrate a great day of Maundy Thursday full of happiness and joy by removing that sorrow from our life on this Holy Thursday."

31. "May God bless you in every sphere of your life. Have faith in your soul and promise in your words. Wishing Maundy Thursday to all."

32. "Remember Jesus told us to love one another at his Last Supper, just as he has loved us. Wishing a Happy Holy Thursday to you and everyone."


Sumber: Captionpie, Wishesandquotes

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