
40 Ucapan Happy Easter dalam Bahasa Inggris buat Keluarga dan Teman, Jakarta - Ucapan Happy Easter dalam bahasa Inggris bisa kamu sampaikan kepada keluarga dan teman yang merayakannya. Happy Easter dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Selamat Paskah.

Paskah merupakan satu di antara hari penting bagi umat Kristiani. Paskah ialah kebangkitan Yesus ke surga pada hari ketiga setelah penyaliban-Nya.

Paskah punya beberapa makna penting dan mendasar bagi umat kristiani, satu di antaranya bahwa Allah berkuasa atas maut dan bahwa umat yang percaya kepada-Nya akan memiliki hidup yang kekal.

Sebagai umat Tuhan, kamu bisa merayakan Paskah dengan megambil hikmah perayaan suci ini. Kamu juga bisa saling berkirim ucapan Happy Easter yang akan membuat hubunganmu dengan saudara seiman tetap harmonis.

Melalui ucapan tersebut kamu pun bisa memuji dan memuliakan nama-Nya.

Di bawah ini koleksi ucapan Happy Easter dalam bahasa Inggris untuk keluarga dan teman, dinukil dari Styiens, Sabtu (8/4/2023).

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Ucapan Happy Easter dalam Bahasa Inggris buat Keluarga dan Teman

1. "Celebrate this day with peace, love, and gratitude. Have a blessed Easter."

2. "Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter."

3. "Wishing you all the faith, love, and commemoration today."

4. "Rejoice in the glory of our Lord on this beautiful day. Happy Easter!"

5. "Taking a moment to appreciate friends like you is what Easter is all about. Happy Easter!"

6. "It's the most beautiful and sweet time of year — Easter is finally here! Happy Easter!"

7. "May the beauty and happiness of Easter fill every corner of your heart and your home. Happy Easter!"

8. "Easter is a testament to the strength and spirit of life, of rebirth, and of our Lord. Happy Easter!"

9. "May the love and peace of Jesus be ever present in your life, this Easter and every other day of the year. Happy Easter!"

10. "May the sun shine bright on you on this beautiful Easter day."




3 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Happy Easter dalam Bahasa Inggris buat Keluarga dan Teman

11. "Today is a very special day, one where we remember and give thanks for Jesus' sacrifice and all the wonderful things he brought to our world. Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter."

12. "The most beautiful thing about Easter is the hope that it brings. Happy Easter!"

13. "Wishing you a multitude of blessings during this beautiful time of hope, joy, and renewal. Happy Easter!"

14. "On this glorious Easter Sunday we give thanks to the Lord for all his miracles and blessings. May you always have the love of Jesus in your heart. Happy Easter!"

15. "Wishing you a blessed Easter filled with love, happiness, and faith."

16. "Wishing you the brightest and happiest Easter this year!"

17. "May you feel the love of Christ on this glorious Easter Day, and every other day of the year. Happy Easter!"

18. "May you always feel the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Happy Easter!"

19. "In this beautiful time of celebration of the miracle of Easter, we want to thank you for being such a wonderful part of our lives. Happy Easter!"

20. "May you receive a multitude of blessings, endless peace, and boundless love this Easter. God bless!"

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Ucapan Happy Easter dalam Bahasa Inggris buat Keluarga dan Teman

21. "I hope this Easter helps you find the answer to all your heart's prayers. Happy searching, and happy Easter!"

22. "Hope your day is blooming with love and laughter. Easter blessings."

23. 'Let us spread love and cheer for Easter is here. Happy Easter."

24. "May the miracle of Christ's resurrection fill our hearts with love, hope, and joy. Happy Easter."

25. "May this Easter bring you closer to whatever it is you're searching for. Happy Easter!

26. "Easter is such a beautiful and special time of year, a time filled with hope and new beginnings. Wishing you a sweet, happy, and memorable Easter!"

27. "Let us remember the miracle of Jesus' resurrection, and let us cherish the endless love He has for all his children. Happy Easter!"

28. "Wishing you a holiday spent treasuring the truly important things — peace, forgiveness, and the gift of Jesus Christ. Have a happy Easter!"

29. "May you feel the love of Christ this Sunday as we celebrate Jesus' greatest miracle. Happy Resurrection Day!"

30. "May you have a memorable Easter Sunday filled with friends, family, and faith!"

5 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Happy Easter dalam Bahasa Inggris buat Keluarga dan Teman

31. "Wishing you a peaceful Easter that renews and replenishes you with energy for the rest of the year!"

32. "Enjoy this beautiful Easter, and may you be blessed all year round."

33. "May you feel the warm embrace of God on this glorious day. Happy Easter!"

34. "Easter is an opportunity to come together with loved ones and celebrate new beginnings, new hopes, and new opportunities. Wishing a very happy Easter to you and yours!"

35. "Wishing you a joyful and blessed year full of new beginnings. Happy Easter!"

36. "May you have many new opportunities this hopeful time of year, and may they continue to bring you joy throughout the year. Happy Easter!"

37. "May you have a blessed Easter, filled with the peace and love of our Lord's blessings."

38. "Wishing you a wonderful Easter, and a year filled with blessings and joy!"

39. "This Easter, on this beautiful time of year, I wish you all the love, peace, and joy the world has to offer. Happy Easter!"

40. "Here's to an Easter filled with sweet little things and new beginnings. Happy Easter!"


Sumber: Styiens

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