, Jakarta - Tanpa terasa, tahun 2023 sudah memasuki bulan Juli. Hal ini berarti kita sudah melewati separuh dari tahun ini. Sudahkah kamu lebih dekat dengan tujuanmu?
Untuk membantumu agar tetap bersemangat saat memasuki bulan Juli, kamu bisa membaca kata-kata bulan Juli bahasa Inggris.
Kata-kata tersebut akan memotivasi, menyemangati, dan bahkan menginspirasimu untuk melakukan yang terbaik yang kamu bisa selama bulan Juli.
Ingat, saat ini tidak akan terulang lagi sehingga manfaatkan waktumu, khususnya di bulan Juli ini, dengan sebaik mungkin. Nikmati setiap momenmu, dan bersyukur untuk apa yang kamu miliki sekarang.
Cintai dirimu sendiri terlebih dahulu sehingga kamu bisa memacarkan kebaikan serta berbagai kebahagiaan dengan orang-orang di sekitarmu.
Berikut koleksi kata-kata bulan Juli bahasa Inggris, yang bisa kamu pula kamu unggah sebagai status maupun caption di media sosialmu, dikutip dari Lovetoknow dan Consultclarity, Sabtu (1/7/2023).
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Kata-Kata Bulan Juli Bahasa Inggris
1. "Hello July, I know you are going to be a great month for me."
2. "Hello, July! Be a month of peace and love."
3. "Hello July, please be a good month that brings smiles and happiness to our lives."
4. "Goodbye June. It’s a new month with new hope and a new spirit. Hello July! Please, be good to me."
5. "Hello, July and Goodbye June. Here's to an exciting, joyful, enjoyable, peaceful, and blessed month."
6. "It's the nature of the world. One thing remains, and one gone. Goodbye June and Hello July."
7. "Keep calm and welcome July."
8. "Welcome July: now go do what you do best
9. "Welcome 1st July and end 30th July by setting goals, saying prayers, and working hard.
Kata-Kata Bulan Juli Bahasa Inggris
10. "Happy to be welcoming July"
11. "Take it easy, don't rush things. Half-year is gone, but hey, welcome, July."
12. "Entering into the 7th month of the year means the next half of the year is yours. Welcome July with positive vibes only."
13. "Welcome July! Nice to see you!"
14. "Welcome to the start of another great month!"
15. "Welcome to July's colorful blaze of glory."
16. "Come on, lucky month number seven. I've been waiting on you!"
17. "July makes me jump for joy."
18. "July has arrived; go forth and thrive!"
Kata-Kata Bulan Juli Bahasa Inggris
19. "July is a great time to give yourself permission to reach for your dreams and fly."
20. "July showers are a gentle reminder that relief is always just around the corner."
21. "July signals the second half of the year; make yours even better than the first!"
22. "It's no lie - I love, love, love the month of July."
23. "People born in July are loyal, good looking, hard-working, and caring."
24. "Happy July! No matter how hard the circumstances were in the previous month. Forget everything and start this new month in a new way."
25. "You open your eyes first time in July to fly like a free bird. So fly high and never look down."
26. "Make your June good, July better, and the month of August best by looking into the eyes of the sun."
27. "July is called the month of rains and a beautiful viewer of nature. Happy new month!"
Kata-Kata Bulan Juli Bahasa Inggris
28. "Welcome, July, just like you welcome floras and colors to life. Ultimately, everything blooms in July. Happy new month!"
29. "May this month bring ease in your life by giving you more opportunities to flourish."
30. "31 days of July can make a huge difference to life – all you need to do is focus!"
31. "A blessed month of July for you and your family.
32. "In this month of July, aim big, dream more, fly high, and smile bright."
33. "JULY - Joy Unlimited Locate You."
34. "Sunflowers never turn their face from the sun in July, then why would you?"
35. "May you never have any reason to start doubting your self-worth, happy birthday my July born friend."
Sumber: Lovetoknow, Consultclarity
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