
30 Ucapan Selamat Datang Siswa Baru Bahasa Inggris, Jakarta - Sudah menjadi keharusan bapak dan ibu guru maupun pihak sekolah memberikan ucapan selamat datang kepada siswa baru.

Memberikan ucapan selamat datang merupakan bentuk penyambutan atas kehadiran atau kedatangan siswa baru. Hal ini untuk memberikan kesan yang baik dari sekolah kepada siswa baru.

Ucapan selamat datang siswa baru bisa disampaikan secara langsung saat kegiatan pertama sekolah seperti upacara pembukaan MPLS.

Di sisi lain, memberikan ucapan selamat datang siswa baru bisa melalui postingan sosial media sekolah, seperti Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, dan lainnya atau melalui email.

Jika Anda termasuk orang yang kesulitan merangkai kata-kata ucapan selamat datang untuk siswa baru, Anda bisa mencermati referensinya di bawah ini.

Ada banyak kata-kata ucapan selamat datang siswa baru dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa menjadi referensi.

Berikut ini 30 ucapan selamat datang siswa baru bahasa Inggris yang menarik disampaikan, dikutip dari laman Owlcation dan Tipsquoteswishes, Kamis (13/7/2023).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Selamat Datang Siswa Baru Bahasa Inggris

1. "We are happy you are all here! Let us make this new academic year special with a relentless thirst for knowledge. Wish you all success!"

2. "Our school welcomes you! We will make sure that we will have the support and encouragement you as you embark on your academic journey with us!"

3. "Welcome! It's now time to look forward to a year that makes wonderful memories."

4. "Happy first day at school! We are excited to get great things done with you. Have a great year ahead!"

5. "We are ready for you! We hope you are ready for us! Let us begin with partnering our way through new discoveries in education. Let's enjoy the ride together!"

6. "Excited to have you all! You are going to have an amazing year learning new things. Good luck to you!"

7. "It's you that are going to make this the best year. Glad you are all here!"

8. "Welcome to you all! The year ahead is going to be a rewarding experience for you. Have fun as you learn."

3 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Selamat Datang Siswa Baru Bahasa Inggris

9. "We are thrilled to see your happy faces! Here's to a great start to your learning journey and to grow into a newer and better version of yourself."

10. "Welcome, dear students! We are honored to be a part of your academic journey toward the realization of your dreams!"

11. "You are special to us! We know you will reinvent yourself in the year ahead. We will help you emerge brand new!"

12. "Great to have you recharged after your summer break! Let us focus together on new goals to make this year exceptional in every sense."

13. "We are eagerly looking forward to watching you grow and accomplish new things. We need you to know that we are here for you... Always!"

14. "Welcome! We believe you can achieve the impossible when you put your mind to what you do. We have faith in you. Make us proud!"

15. "Glad to see you smile! Hope you have a great learning experience and have a whole lot of fun on campus."

16. "Hope you had a fun-filled vacation. It's now time to unleash your talent in a new direction. Stay focused, and make learning an enjoyable experience."

4 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Selamat Datang Siswa Baru Bahasa Inggris

17. "Welcome, everyone! We know you are capable of amazing things! Let's make this year the most rewarding and inspiring ever."

18. "Welcome new students! We look forward to seeing you at your best in every learning endeavor. We are so proud of you already!"

19. "Welcome to our school! We are proud to have such talented students who share the same passion for learning as we have! Looking forward to working with you!"

20. "Let's make this the greatest year ever! All we ask of you is you maintain a positive attitude toward learning; we’ll take care of the rest."

21. "We want you to know that we are here for you to help you pursue your dreams. Bring on your best!"

22. "Happy to see all the excited faces! It's the energy that you all bring here that will make learning fun. Let’s grow, learn, and build fruitful relationships together."

23. "So glad to see the smiles! Welcome to the world where learning is fun. Give everything you do your best shot and stay positive; you will eventually emerge a winner."

24. "We get better because of you! Let's better ourselves by achieving definitive goals together!"

5 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Selamat Datang Siswa Baru Bahasa Inggris

25. "Welcome, students! Get ready to embrace new challenges and seek fresh opportunities as you begin a new academic year."

26. "Learning is a treasure you will carry along with you for the rest of your lives. We know you will make us proud!"

27. "We wish you the best in your studies! May each day become a productive step for you to learn, grow and achieve whatever you want in life."

28. "As you begin this new academic year, always remember that a positive attitude and mindset go a long way in helping you achieve your dreams and goals. Welcome to school!"

29. "This day marks the beginning of a new academic session, which means another chance and opportunity at getting closer to your purpose and plans."

30. "Nothing fires up your passion like making new friends or joining new associations that inspire and tailor you towards greatness. Have an amazing academic year!"


Sumber: Owlcation, Tipsquoteswishes

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