, Jakarta - Tahun baru Islam atau Islamic New Year dimaknai sebagai peristiwa hijrah Nabi Muhammad saw., bersama para pengikutnya dari Makkah menuju Madinah pada 622 M.
Islamic New Year 1 Muharam 1445 H di Indonesia jatuh pada Rabu (19/7/2023). Nah, dalam rangka menyemarakkan peringatan ini, tak ada salahnya kamu berbagai ucapan Islamic New Year.
Kamu bisa mengirim ucapan Islamic New Year kepada keluarga, kerabat, teman, rekan kerja, dan saudara seiman.
Tak hanya itu, ucapan Islamic New Year bisa dijadikan caption pada postingan di sosial media seperti Instagram, Threads, Twitter, TikTok, hingga Facebook.
Bagi kamu yang membutuhkan referensi ucapan Islamic New Year, bisa menyimak rekomendasinya di bawah ini.
Berikut ini 32 ucapan Islamic New Year, penuh doa dan menyentuh hati, dikutip dari laman Theedadvocate, Selasa (18/7/2023).
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Ucapan Islamic New Year 1445 H
1. "May the start of the Islamic New Year bring you more opportunities for success and advancement! Happy Hijri New Year!"
2. "Happy Muslim New Year! As the Hijri year 1445 begins, may each day be filled with Allah’s blessings and mercy!"
3. "My wish for you is a Happy Islamic New Year. May Allah guide you to success and accomplishments in the coming year."
4. "I pray Allah showers you with His gracious mercy on the Islamic New Year and forgives all your errors. My wish for you is a Happy Islamic New Year."
5. "To the Muslim community, I wish you a happy Hijri New Year! Let us begin Hijri 1445 AH by looking inward and seeking mercy for our sins!"
6. "Happy Islamic New Year, everyone! I sincerely pray that we never fall into the grip of evil and succumb to our temptations to sin!"
7. "Happy Hijri New Year 1445 H! May Allah grant you comfort and peace in your life."
8. "May we have another blissful, glorious, and prosperous Islamic New Year! Have a blessed and peaceful Muharram!"
Ucapan Islamic New Year 1445 H
9. "Happy Muharram to my brothers and sisters! I hope Allah’s blessings and Heaven’s fortune will be with us throughout the year!"
10. "May the start of the Islamic New Year bring you more opportunities for personal growth and development. Happy Islamic New Year!"
11. "Happy Islamic New Year 1445! May this year inspire you to live as a pious, faithful, and devoted Muslim!"
12. "I wish you a happy and blessed Muharram! I wish you good fortune and peace!"
13. "I hope this year is filled with unfiltered laughter and joy! Happy Islamic New Year!"
14. "Happy Hijri New Year! May we begin the year with positive thoughts, big goals, and pure hearts!"
15. "Praise Allah, who has led us into the new Hijri year! New Year's greetings!"
16. "May this Islamic New Year bring you joy and peace. On this special occasion, I send you my best wishes."
Ucapan Islamic New Year 1445 H
17. "On this Islamic New Year, may Allah hear all of your prayers."
18. "May this year's Islamic New Year be prosperous and glorious."
19. "Let us start the Islamic New Year by praying to Allah for our well-being."
20. "Happy Islamic New Year! May the Prophet and the Holy Quran guide you!"
21. "Happy Hijri New Year! May Allah grant us inner peace, piety, and devotion!"
22. "Happy Hijri New Year 1445! May Allah shower you with outstanding accomplishments and successes in the coming year."
23. "Happy Muharram! May Allah protect the Muslim Ummah from all harm and evil!"
24. "Hijri New Year Mubarak 1445. May Allah keep you safe from all harm and watch over you."
Ucapan Islamic New Year 1445 H
25. "Happy Hijri New Year! May Heaven’s gate remain open to grant us mercy and blessings!"
26. "Happy Islamic New Year! May this Muharram push us to believe in new beginnings!"
27. "Hijri New Year! I hope we can begin this year with firm convictions and strong faith!"
28. "Hijri New Year, Mubarak. Begin your new year by praying to Allah and thanking Him for everything."
29. "I wish you and your family a bright new year. May kindness and goodness surround you all. Hijri New Year, Mubarak."
30. "Mubarak Hijri New Year. My wish for you is a safe and healthy new year."
31. "My prayers are with you all, my friends and family. Happy Islamic New Year!"
32. "Happy Islamic New Year to everyone! May you find more reasons to be thankful for Allah’s abundant blessings every day!"
Sumber: Theedadvocate
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