, Jakarta - Kata-kata sedih bahasa Inggris singkat bisa menjadi saluran perasaan yang selama ini terpendam. Meski singkat, kata-kata tersebut punya makna mendalam dan mengena.
Dalam hidup, akan selalu ada peristiwa dan kejadian menyedihkan yang tidak dapat dihindari. Peristiwa menyedihkan ini bisa mengenai cinta, kehidupan, atau bahkan kematian.
Kesedihan didefinisikan sebagai rasa sakit emosional yang terkait dengan atau ditandai dengan perasaan tidak beruntung, kehilangan, putus asa, ketakberdayaan, kekecewaan, dan kesedihan.
Perasaan sedih bisa menjadi hal yang umum bagi orang-orang. Akan tetapi, situasi yang menyedihkan dapat menguras seluruh energi, semangat, dan kebahagiaan kita. Hanya, kita selalu dapat memilih untuk menyalurkan energi dan positive vibes dari pengalaman sedih tersebut.
Bacalah kata-kata sedih bahasa Inggris singkat di bawah ini, yang akan membantumu mendapatkan kelegaan dari rasa sakitmu, dan dengan beberapa kata-kata itu, kamu pasti dapat menghubungkannya dengan masalahmu.
Dikutip dari beberapa sumber, berikut kumpulan kata-kata sedih bahasa Inggris singkat, Sabtu (26/8/2023).
Berita video Pelatih timnas bola basket Spanyol, Sergio Scariolo, memberi pujian untuk venue Piala Dunia FIBA 2023 di Jakarta, Indonesia Arena, pada Kamis (24/8/2023).
Yuk gabung channel whatsapp untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru tentang Timnas Indonesia, BRI Liga 1, Liga Champions, Liga Inggris, Liga Italia, Liga Spanyol, bola voli, MotoGP, hingga bulutangkis. Klik di sini (JOIN)
Kata-Kata Sedih Bahasa Inggris Singkat
1. "I wish I could ignore you as you did."
2. "You treated me like a chapter but for me, you were my book."
3. "I did love you even when you left me alone."
4. "I was not myself but yet nobody ever noticed."
5. "I always waited for your text but you never text me."
6. "I wish I could lose this memory as fast as I lost you."
7. "I don't cry when you leave me, I cry when you don't come.
8. "I hate that I'm still hoping."
9. "Things get worse that I can't explained to anyone."
Kata-Kata Sedih Bahasa Inggris Singkat
10. "I will wait for her entire life if she needs time."
11. "The time I spent with you, I wish I could spend once again."
12. "Now my phone is not in use often after you left me for no reason."
13. "You killed off the last good part of me."
14. "I may have let you go, but that doesn’t mean I wanted to."
15. "The pain I feel is the only thing that reminds me I'm still alive."
16. "People will ignore you until they need you."
17. "The most painful memory I have is of me walking away and you letting me go."
18. "Sometimes, you have to laugh to hide your fears and smile to hide your tears."
Kata-Kata Sedih Bahasa Inggris Singkat
19. "It's the invisible tears that are the hardest to wipe away."
20. "I really hate being broken. And I really hate that I can never go back."
21. "I’m having one of those days where I feel like I can’t do anything right."
22. "How did we move from talking every single day to being strangers?"
23. "I feel like I have the weight of the world sitting on my shoulders."
24. "If you plan on making me cry, at least be there to help wipe away the tears."
25. "It's getting harder and harder to fake a smile."
26. "I wasn't aware that "forever" actually had an expiration date."
27. "Why am I so afraid to lose you? I'm not even yours."
Kata-Kata Sedih Bahasa Inggris Singkat
28. "Please don't help me up if you only plan on pushing me back down again."
29. "There are nights when I burn inside the fire of my own thoughts.”
30. "It is amazing how heavy emptiness feels."
31. "I don't depend on people anymore because I'm tired of being disappointed."
32. "And something inside me just… broke… That's the only way I could describe it."
33. "I can't eat and I can't sleep. I'm not doing well in terms of being a functional human, you know?"
34. "Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable."
35. "I did not die, and yet I lost life's breath."
36. "Someone wake me up when things are finally going right."
Sumber: Berbagai sumber
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