, Jakarta - Kata-kata sedih bahasa Inggris singkat bisa menjadi bentuk ekspresi kesedihanmu karena kata-katanya yang begitu mengena.
Hidup adalah sebuah perjalanan yang penuh dengan pasang surut, tetapi terkadang masa-masa surut bisa terasa sangat berat.
Saat mengalaminya, kamu bisa merasakan beban itu begitu menghimpitmu. Kamu merasakan sesak di dada, gentar, seolah-seolah dunia berpaling darimu.
Kamu sendirian, dalam menjalani perjalanan labirin kehidupan yang terasa gelap. Yang kamu butuhkan hanyalah orang yang berada di sisimu, yang mau mendengar dan berbagi rasa denganmu.
Kata-kata sedih bahasa Inggris di bawah ini dapat menggambarkan rasa luka dan sakit hati yang dapat muncul dalam perjalanan itu.
Berikut kumpulan kata-kata sedih bahasa Inggris singkat, dinukil dari Psychnewsdaily dan Quoteideas, Senin (4/9/2023).
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Kata-Kata Sedih Bahasa Inggris Singkat
1. "I am so broken that even my soul refused to be there for me."
2. "The worst kind of pain is when your heart cry and your eyes are dry."
3. "I trusted her blindly and she opened my eyes."
4. "Some people put you above, just to drop you badly."
5. "She was ready to go through hell for him, but he still left her."
6. "You will find a life full of happiness only in imaginations."
7. "I'm not sad, I'm just tired. And my heart is tired."
8. "I realise now that the person I used to be is not the person I am."
9. "I don't feel alive anymore."
Kata-Kata Sedih Bahasa Inggris Singkat
10. "Life is full of things I can't control."
11. "I've been trying to go on living like nothing has changed, but it’s too hard."
12. "I'm not happy. I'm not sad. I’m not anything."
13. "Why am I still here?"
14. "Out of nowhere, the pain just came back."
15. "I just need some time alone."
16. "You were my sun, but now my sky is filled with stormy clouds."
17. "I lost myself in loving you, only to find myself alone again."
18. "I still find pieces of you in the quiet corners of my heart."
Kata-Kata Sedih Bahasa Inggris Singkat
19. "We were written in the stars, but the universe had other plans."
20. "Sometimes, the person you'd take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the gun."
21. "We built a castle of love, only for it to crumble in our hands."
22. "There's always a hole inside me. Sometimes it's empty, sometimes it's full."
23. "Life is tough. Life is hard. Sometimes life is so hard that you can barely breathe."
24. "You're the one who is leaving, and you're telling me to be strong?"
25. "I'm sad because I don't have anyone to share my life with."
26. "I feel so alone. It’s like the rest of the world is moving past me and I'm stuck in one place."
27. "I reached out to grasp the hand of my savior, only to find myself grasping at air."
Kata-Kata Sedih Bahasa Inggris Singkat
28. "I wanted to feel someone's arm around me, but I was all alone."
29. "I will love you until my heart stops beating."
30. "I am so sad that I love you."
31. "I am haunted by sadness and misery."
32. "I hate that I'm still hoping."
33. "I'm sorry i was not good enough. But I tried to be."
34. "It's hard to sleep when your heart is at war with your mind."
35. "You save everyone but who saves you..."
36. "So many feelings so unsaid."
Sumber: Psychnewsdaily, Quoteideas
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