
35 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Tidur untuk Pacar Bahasa Inggris

Kumpulan contoh ucapan selamat tidur untuk pacar dalam bahasa Inggris, yang bisa kamu pilih dan gunakan., Jakarta - Mengucapkan "selamat tidur" kepada pacarmu adalah satu di antara bagian terpenting dalam harimu. Itu bisa menjadi momen spesial yang menghubungkanmu dan sang kekasih hati.

Ucapan romantis sebelum tidur bisa menjadi cara sempurna untuk mengekspresikan perasaanmu kepada kekasih dalam hidupmu saat hari berakhir.

Bertukar ucapan selamat tidur dengan pacar dapat menambahkan lapisan romantisme ekstra pada hubunganmu-ini adalah kesempatan untuk mengekspresikan penghargaan dan cintamu dengan cara yang sederhana, tetapi bermakna.

Beberapa kata dapat mengubah malam yang biasa menjadi sesuatu yang tak terlupakan dan kamu dapat memastikan bahwa pacarmu tahu betapa pentingnya mereka bagimu.

Jadi, luangkan waktu beberapa saat setiap malam dan abadikan cintamu dengan ucapan selamat tidur yang spesial untuk pacarmu.

Kamu bisa menggunakan kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan ucapan itu. Jika kamu membutuhkannya, kamu bisa memilih dan menggunakan contoh ucapan selamat tidur untuk pacar dalam bahasa Inggris, di bawah ini.

Berikut 35 contoh ucapan selamat tidur untuk pacar bahasa Inggris, yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber, Senin (4/9/2023).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Selamat Tidur untuk Pacar Bahasa Inggris

1. "Goodnight my sweet angel, wishing you beautiful dreams."

2. "I hope your night is as amazing as you are. Sleep tight."

3. "Sweet dreams, my darling. I'll be dreaming of you all night."

4. "Sleep well and know that my love for you will never fade."

5. "May your night be filled with peaceful dreams and thoughts of me."

6. "Goodnight my love, I hope your sleep tonight is as amazing as you are!"

7. "I love you to the moon and back, goodnight my sweetheart."

8. "You are the last thought on my mind before I drift off to sleep. Sweet dreams my love."

9. "Goodnight my favorite one. May you sleep deeply and wake up feeling blessed and happy."

3 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Selamat Tidur untuk Pacar Bahasa Inggris

10. "May your sleep be filled with peaceful thoughts and wonderful dreams of us together. I'll be dreaming of your beautiful face. Goodnight my love."

11. "I can't wait to see you again soon but until then, here's a sweet goodnight message. Sweet dreams my love."

12. "My life has changed so much since I met you, I hope it never goes back to the way it was before. I can't wait to see you in my dreams."

13. "I hope the sweetest dreams you will have tonight, will be nothing compared to the life we will live together."

14. "Goodnight, beautiful. May you wake up to a day as charming and gorgeous as yourself."

15. "I love knowing that I will wake up tomorrow and you will be the first thing on my mind."

16. "I could fall asleep to the sweet sound of my heart…it keeps repeating your name."

17. "You are my last thought at night; my only thought when I wake up in the middle of night, and my first thought in the morning."

18. "They say you must always end the day with a positive thought, my day ends with the thought of you."

4 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Selamat Tidur untuk Pacar Bahasa Inggris

19. "I hope you sleep peacefully through the night. While my heart repeats your name, I know I will."

20. "Have sweet dreams, my love. For the sweetest of dreams are made of you and me."

21. "Every day I spend with you is the new best day of my life: sleep well, and have sweet dreams."

22. "Relax and unwind; may your dreams be kind. Rest knowing that as you sleep, you’re on my mind."

23. "Taking a moment to feel gratitude for the day that we shared, and I patiently await what tomorrow has in store. Sleep tight and good night."

24. "Good night, sleep tight, can't wait to see your smile in the morning so bright."

25. "As you fall asleep, close your eyes and thinking of me holding you close. Wishing you a wonderful night’s sleep."

26. "Before I fall asleep, I think about how you make life so much more meaningful and how lucky I am to have you. Hope to see you in my dreams."

27. "Hope you are tucked in nice and tight. See you in my dreams, my love."

5 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Selamat Tidur untuk Pacar Bahasa Inggris

28. "Sending you the best as the night falls upon us for a peaceful sleep and good night."

29. "Tomorrow is a clean slate, a new beginning, a fresh start. Sleep well, my love."

30. "Close your eyes, clear your mind, and listen closely as the stars climb the night sky to hang above your restful sleep. Good Night my dear!"

31. "My sweet love, wishing you a sweet good night and may you sleep peacefully and full of dreams."

32. "May you wake up feeling energized and revitalized after a night of sleep, my beauty."

33. "Love is in the air, so breathe it in deeply, rest peacefully, and know that I'll be dreaming of you tonight."

34. "Soon the light of the sun will awaken another day, and we will be together again. I can't wait."

35. "I live for the day that my dream will come true and wake up next to you. Sweet dreams until then my love!"


Sumber: Berbagai sumber

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