
35 Contoh Ucapan Semangat dalam Bahasa Inggris, Jakarta - Contoh ucapan semangat dalam bahasa Inggris banyak dicari untuk memberikan tambahan motivasi saat melakukan sesuatu maupun ketika menghadapi sesuatu dalam perjalanan hidup.

Setiap orang mengalami masa-masa sulit dalam hidupnya, dan bahkan orang terkuat sekali pun dapat merasa bahwa mereka telah mencapai titik terendah.

Bagikan ucapan semangat dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini untuk menghibur seseorang yang kamu kenal, yang sedang merasa sedih dan putus asa.

Kita semua dapat mengatasi kesedihan dan keterpurukan ketika kita memiliki sistem pendukung yang tepat dan dikelilingi oleh anggota keluarga yang baik hati dan teman-teman yang penuh kasih.

Jadilah sistem pendukung seseorang, angkat semangat mereka, dan buatlah hari mereka lebih baik dengan membagikan ucapan semangat

Ucapan yang positif dan inspiratif memiliki kekuatan untuk membuat orang lain tersenyum dan menyembuhkan luka.

Berikut 35 contoh ucapan semangat dalam bahasa Inggris, dikutip dari Foodtruckempire, Senin (11/9/2023).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Semangat dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "Do not lose hope, hardships come to make you stronger."

2. "When everything feels like an uphill struggle just think of the view from the top."

3. "Sorrows will not last forever, brighter times will come again."

4. "Do not stop, just keep going, my friend."

5. "Cheer up, tomorrow is another chance."

6. "When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."

7. "You are going to get through this because you are a strong person and I know it, cheer up!"

8. "Today may not be the right day, but tomorrow, everything will be alright."

9. "You is kind. You is smart. You is important."

3 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Semangat dalam Bahasa Inggris

10. "Do not lose hope, hardships come to make you stronger."

11. "Be brave and stand up to what you feel is right. So, go on, and do not look back."

12. "Worrying won't change anything. Live life to the fullest so you don't regret anything in this world. Cheer up and be happy!"

13. "You are someone's reason for happiness so please stop being sad and cheer up."

14. "Don't give up when dark times come. The more storms you face in life, the stronger you'll be. Hold on. Greater things will come."

15. "Cheer up when the night comes because mornings always give you another chance."

16. "You are awesome! Don’t forget that!"

17. "Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and carry on."

18. "Cheer up sweet girl! You are going to love again and it will be magnificent."

4 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Semangat dalam Bahasa Inggris

19. "You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life."

20. " is too short for us to dwell on sadness. Cheer up and live life to the fullest."

21. "Wake up, smile and tell yourself: Today is my day."

22. "There are so many reasons to be happy."

23. "believe in our strength and courage to try and fight again. We can do this!"

14. "We are a team who tries their best to win. We don’t give up a fight."

25. "Storms don’t last forever. One day, you’ll wake up and have the brightest sunlight beaming to your face."

26. "Fight your demons. Don't let them hinder your growth and become the great man you are supposed to be."

27. "Even when you feel like giving up, don't stop trying. Life is full of surprises. Who knows, maybe tomorrow you'll get the call you’ve been waiting for."

5 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Semangat dalam Bahasa Inggris

28. "Smile like a child. You’ll never know what tomorrow brings so take the time to enjoy today, the present."

29. "You've been working so hard for years and you deserve all the best in the world. Keep your head up. Don't be too harsh on yourself."

30. "Fight your demons. Don’t let them hinder your growth and become the great man you are supposed to be."

31. "Storms don't last forever. One day, you’ll wake up and have the brightest sunlight beaming to your face.

32. "Always remember that whatever happens, we are the creators of our own fortune. Dare to have hope even when it looks impossible."

33. "Each of us tried our best and although we didn't get the outcome we wanted, we can always try, right? Smile and cheer up! It's not something to be sad about."

34. "Don’t quit. Don't ever quit."

35. "There will always be hope as long as you believe, as long as you trust that tomorrow is there."


Sumber: Foodtruckempire

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