, Jakarta - Saat melakukan presentasi, tentu kamu ingin membuat para audiens terpukau dan berkesan. Nah, ada banyak hal yang perlu dipersiapkan agar presentasimu terlaksana dengan baik.
Tak hanya isinya yang harus diperhatikan, tetapi bagaimana kamu membawakan presentasi, dari pembukaan sampai penutup presentasi supaya tidak terasa membosankan.
Hanya, masih ada di antara pembicara yang menyepelekan saat melakukan presentasi, terutama bagian penutup. Sebab, bagian penutup presentasi merupakan kegiatan yang cukup tricky. Padahal, bagian penutup sama pentingnya dengan bagian pembuka dan isi presentasi.
Bahkan, sebuah penelitian mengatakan orang lebih cenderung mengingat hal pertama dan terakhir yang mereka dengar.
Itulah mengapa, kamu harus menyusun bagian penutup sedemikian rupa agar keseluruhan presentasi bisa direspons dan diingat baik oleh audiens.
Jika tertarik, ada beberapa contoh kalimat penutup presentasi bahasa Inggris bisa menjadi pilihanmu. Tentu, kamu bisa menyesuaikannya dengan konteks presentasi yang dibawakan.
Berikut 32 contoh kalimat penutup presentasi bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu gunakan, dikutip dari laman Sederet dan Visitpare, Rabu (11/10/2023).
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Contoh Kalimat Penutup Presentasi Bahasa Inggris
1. "Thank you very much for your great attention, ladies and gentlemen."
2. "Thank you so much for your attention."
3. "Once again, thanks for the meetup and hopefully we can meet again soon in the future."
4. "Before we leave this room today, please take a moment to compliment people who sit beside you and see that everyone is perfect in their ways."
5. "And finally, I would like to finish this presentation with this motivational quote from ..."
6. "Thank you for your listening, may all those we have shared be beneficial for all of us."
7. "Let's end today's presentation with this quote from ..."
8. "That is all from me. Thank you so much for coming."
Contoh Kalimat Penutup Presentasi Bahasa Inggris
9. "And that brings us to the end. Thank you so much for your time and attention."
10. "I sincerely appreciate your attention today."
11. "I would like to thank you for your time and attention."
12. "I notice that our time is just about up, so to close I would like to thank you."
13. "I would like to finish by saying thank you for your time and attention."
14. "I would like to thank you all for taking the time to listen to my presentation."
15. "That is all for me. Thank you so much for coming. I want to apologize if there is a mistake. I hope you have a nice day."
16. "Thank you for listening to my presentation. I hope what I have shared will be beneficial for all of us. "
Contoh Kalimat Penutup Presentasi Bahasa Inggris
17. "Thank you for your attention. I hope this presentation has given us new insights on the (topic)."
18. "Thank you for your attention, I hope your boyfriend will pay more attention to you too.”
19. "That’s all for today's presentation, please forgive if there are mistakes, if there is something you love, don't forget to express it. Thank you all.”
20. "Finally, take 4 minutes before you leave today's conference to ...”
21. "Let’s end today's conversation with these interesting quotes from ..."
22. "From the explanation above I want to conclude with this insightful or inspiring comment by ..."
23. "That is the end of the presentation. I want to summarize by saying ..."
24. "In the end, from this presentation it can be concluded that ..."
Contoh Kalimat Penutup Presentasi Bahasa Inggris
25. "That brings us to the end of this discussion. To recap, we believe that ..."
26. "That is the end of our presentation. However, I'd like to quickly summarize that ..."
27. "That is the end of our presentation. I would like to highlight that ..."
28. "That's all for today's presentation, please forgive if there are mistakes, if there is something you love, don't forget to express it. Thank you all."
29. "I would like to end this presentation by thanking all of you for your time and attention."
30. "To close this presentation, I would like to say thank all of you for your time."
31. "This is the end of the discussion session. I'd like to thank the audience for the questions. If you would like more information, here is a list of useful resources/websites."
32. "That brings us to the end of this discussion. To quickly recap, I'd like you to remember these key points ..."
Sumber: Sederet, Visitpare
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