, Jakarta - Instagram telah menjadi satu di antara platform media sosial paling digandrungi di dunia. Tak peduli kamu pria atau wanita, dari berbagai latar belakang profesi, tua muda, banyak yang menggunakan Instagram untuk terhubung dengan dunia luar.
Instagram menjadi favorit karena memungkinkan penggunanya berbagi foto dan video. Instagram juga dilengkapi beberapa fitur lain yang membuat penggunanya makin betah berlama-lama menggunakan aplikasi yang dirilis perdana pada Oktober 2010 ini.
Tak bisa dimungkiri, Instagram seolah menjadi etalase untuk menunjukkan sesuatu ke khalayak. Apa pun itu. Mirip sebuah diari atau buku harian di masa kini.
Foto maupun video aktivitas liburan, bekerja, makan, nongkrong, apa pun itu,' bisa diunggah ke Instagram personal.
Tak heran, ada yang menanti berapa banyak 'like' yang didapat dari unggahan itu. Makin banyak like, bisa jadi membuatmu makin senang.
Kini ada satu di antara cara untuk membuat akun Instagrammu makin dilirik, yakni dengan mempercantik tampilan pada bio-mu.
Bio bisa dianggap sebagai kesan pertama terhadap citra dirimu yang ingin kamu bangun dalam akun Instagrammu. Bio merupakan jati diri atau gambaran sifat yang ingin kamu tampilkan.
Bio juga dianggap sebagai kata pengantar menuju akun Instagrammu sehingga makin unik dan menarik bio itu, bisa jadi Instagram milikmu akan mengundang makin banyak follower.
Nah, buat kamu yang ingin memasang kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris untuk mengisi bio di Instagram milikmu agar tampil beda, kamu bisa simak beberapa contoh di bawah ini.
Berikut ini kumpulan kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris untuk bio Instagram, seperti dikutip dari Oberlo, Rabu (12/8/2020).
Berita video mantan pemain Liverpool, Adam Lallana, punya misi mulia di klub barunya, Brighton.
Yuk gabung channel whatsapp untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru tentang Timnas Indonesia, BRI Liga 1, Liga Champions, Liga Inggris, Liga Italia, Liga Spanyol, bola voli, MotoGP, hingga bulutangkis. Klik di sini (JOIN)
Kata-kata dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Bio Instagram
Bio Pendek
- This is me
- Follow me
- Welcome to my Instagram
- Check out the link below
- This is my life
- I got nothing
- Screw perfect
- Happy thoughts
- Just smiles 🙂
- Meet (name)
- This is my bio
Bio Simpel
- I'm the exception
- Simple but significant
- Doing better
- Rollin' with the homies
- Livin' a little
- Pretty & Profitable
- Life is beautiful
- Glitter is the only option
- Anything but predictable
- I see beauty in everything
- Goal: bigger smile
Kata-kata dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Bio Instagram
Bio Cute
- So many of my smiles are because of you
- So grateful to be sharing my world with you
- All your dreams can come true and i'll make sure of it
- Live in the sunshine where you belong
- My life is better than my daydreams
- Sprinkling kindness everywhere i go
- I love my followers more than life itself
- Don't regret the opportunities you were too afraid to take
- Sometimes we could always use a little magic - don't hide the magic within you
- Every day might not be a good day but there is good in every day
Bio Lucu
- I apologize for anything i post while hungry
- Humble, with just a hint of Kanye
- I'd rather steal your dessert than your boyfriend
- Sassy, classy with a touch of badassy
- One day, i hope to become a grown up
- Used to think i was a tad indecisive, but now i'm not quite sure
- Life is short so i'm smiling while i've still got all my teeth
- My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner topped with a chocolate dessert
- Relationship status: Netflix and ice cream
- The bags under my eyes are Chanel
- Instagram bio currently loading
- I'm actually not funny. I'm just really mean but people always think i'm joking
- I'm a social media guru. No, really, i am
Kata-kata dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Bio Instagram
Bio untuk Perempuan
- Leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere i go
- I believe in making the impossible possible because there's no fun in giving up
- Turned my dreams into my vision and my vision into my reality
- Smart. Strong. Silly. Straight up class act
- I'm not perfect but stories are always better with a touch of imperfection
- My standards are high… just like my heels
- Me: Happy girls are the prettiest Also me: I'd like to buy 15 pounds of makeup please
- Who runs the world? ME
- Happiness never goes out of style
- I'm a woman with ambition and a heart of gold
- I shine from within so no one can dim my light
Bio untuk Laki-Laki
- Living life on my own terms
- I don't care what people think of me this is me in rawest form
- I'd rather be hated for who i am than loved for who i am not
- Risk taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter. Living my dreams
- I might not be where i want to be yet but i get closer everyday
- One day, i hope to be a happily married old man telling wild stories from his wild youth
- I got to where i am today by being me
- I was born to do exactly what i'm doing today
- Don't like me? Don't care
- I'm out here hustlin' to claim what’s mine
Kata-kata dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Bio Instagram
Bio Nyeleneh
- Falling for you
- Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed
- Having the time of my life
- Looking at the world through colored glasses
- I'm sweet like honey
- Don't study me. You won't graduate
- Sending my selfies to NASA because i'm a star
- Please cancel my subscription to your issues
- Status Update: Currently hungry
- Kanye attitude with Drake feelings
Bio Keren
- Simplicity is the key to happiness
- If i was a writer i'd have a better Instagram bio quote
- You can’t become the best without first being the worst
- In a world of worriers, be the warrior
- It won't always be easy, but always try to do what's right
- She turned her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans
- Life is what happens to you while you scroll through Instagram
- A day in the life of me: Eat avocado toast, post Instagram videos, read Instagram comments
- It's my time to step into the spotlight, i've earned it
- I practice what i post
Sumber: Oberlo