
35 Kata-kata Indah tentang Pelangi dalam Bahasa Inggris, Bahan Perenungan dan Motivasi Diri, Jakarta - Pelangi adalah fenomena alam yang dapat dilihat di langit dan biasanya muncul setelah hujan deras atau badai reda. 

Fenomana alam yang satu ini sangat menarik untuk dilihat karena membentuk warna-warni indah yang berada sejajar dan melengkung di langit maupun medium lainnya. 

Pelangi terbentuk karena adanya pembiasan cahaya matahari yang dibelokkan. Ketika cahaya matahari membentur hujan, cahaya tersebut berubah arah atau dibiaskan oleh titik-titik air di udara.

Pembiasan cahaya ini akan membentuk suatu spektrum warna yang terdiri atas, merah, jingga, kuning, hijau, biru, nila, dan ungu. Cahaya ini akan bergerak menjauhi partikel air.

Inilah yang menyebabkan bentuk pelangi seperti bentuk busur panah yang melengkung dan terlihat sangat indah untuk dinikmati.

Keindahan pelangi ini menjadikan kemunculannya terkadang menjadi sebuah inspirasi dan pelajaran dalam menjalani hidup.

Lantaran biasanya pelangi akan muncul setelah hujan deras atau badai, hal tersebut dapat dimaknai bahwa setelah banyaknya masalah dan cobaan dalam hidup, pasti akan ada hal indah di belakangnya.

Berikut 30 kata-kata indah tentang pelangi dalam bahasa Inggris, yang dapat menginspirasimu, seperti dikutip dari Quotambition, Kamis (22/10/2020).

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2 dari 4 halaman

Kata-kata Indah tentang Pelangi dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "Formal education teaches how to stand, but to see the rainbow you must come out and walk many steps on your own."

2. "Let us keep walking up the happy rainbow of trust and compassion, even if a blizzard of suspicion may sometimes fray it, and let us believe in the positive quality of connectedness."

3. "The image of those widmestern storms that rip up the world as you know it, and leave, like a sacrifice, a rainbow to make you forget what has come before."

4. "People want to understand evil. A pointless desire. Evil is like a rainbow. It retreats at the same pace as your approach. Evil is evil because you can’t understand it."

5. "When a friend is going through a difficult stormy time in their life, try to be the rainbow that makes them smile." 

6. "The light shining through was a rainbow from hell."

7. "There will always be darkness. There will always be more rain after the storm has ceased. But we need to search for the rainbow between those moments."

8. "Facing our problems, first, and living by the seat of the pants, and opening ourselves to the world can turn life into a captivating journey on a sparkling rainbow."

9. "I know life is not rainbows and butterflies, but i'd rather die delusional than being a mature cynic."

10. "Be everything that you are unapologetically, most of you will find out that you are not just one color, you are a Rainbow."

3 dari 4 halaman

Kata-kata Indah tentang Pelangi dalam Bahasa Inggris

11. "Life experience is like a rainbow; It has all the colors -some we love, some we don’t love as much, But seen altogether it’s beautiful. Just as some experiences we love and some we don’t love so much; But, seen altogether, life is beautiful."

12. "To catch the rainbows of your dreams, love yourself, love what you do, and how you do."

13. "I am always looking for rainbows, literally and metaphorically, only that i am starting to think that i could learn more from my journey if, from time to time, i were brave enough to stay in the rain longer."

14. "May i create plain fields by collecting clouds and bedeck them with arching rainbows."

15. "A woman is like the colour of the rainbow, very colourful and so beautiful." 

16. "The Glory of God is like a light in the midst of darkness. It is like sunshine after the darkest hours of the night. It is like a rainbow after the rain has fallen. It is so wonderful."

17. "Once you learn to listen and hear the notes clearly, then you will see the rainbow."

18. "Sometimes it’s important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it’s essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow."

19. "You may complain that rain has stained your plans but you cannot restrain the rain; rain is water and water is life. None appreciates rainbow and sunshine better than he on whose parade it has rained."

20. "Without the sun to light my way, i would be as lost as a rainbow without light."

4 dari 4 halaman

Kata-kata Indah tentang Pelangi dalam Bahasa Inggris

21. "If your dream is at the end of a rainbow you’ll never reach it."

22. "Life is about dancing in the rain while the sun sings its music and the rainbows deliver hope."

23. "Like the rainbow after the rain joy will reveal itself after sorrow."

24. "When you smile i can’t tell where your rainbow ends and mine begins."

25. "When a woman is pregnant she becomes a lioness with the will of a dragon. She becomes a goddess of beauty with the colors of the rainbow. She becomes the mother of new life." 

26. "Butterflies and snow angels As the sun shines through the grey Rainbows and snowdrifts."

27. "When i hold you in my arms, i live inside your rainbow and you live inside mine."

28. "There is no such thing as good or bad. There’s no black and white. There’s black, white, and every color in between. You’re like a rainbow and some people are just colorblind"

29. "The diversity of different colours is displayed in a rainbow."

30. "I never realised before how much of a jurist i am. I try to bring everything back to the basics, to black-and-white situations. The world is not a rainbow."


Sumber: Quoteambition


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