, Jakarta - Weekend atau akhir pekan menjadi waktu yang dinantikan, terutama bagi para pekerja kantoran yang sistem lima hari kerja. Dengan begitu, Sabtu dan Minggu mendapat kesempatan untuk libur.
Saat hari sudah memasuki Jumat pagi, biasanya banyak di antara kita yang kembali bersemangat. Yap, karena Jumat merupakan hari kerja terakhir dalam satu pekan.
Pada Jumat sore biasanya kita sudah memiliki janji bertemu dengan teman, sahabat, atau langsung pulang ke rumah karena ingin memiliki waktu lebih banyak bersama keluarga.
Dan pada hari Sabtu serta Minggu, kamu terbebas dari rutinitas pekerjaan untuk melakukan hal-hal yang menjadi keinginanmu atau bahkan, tak melakukan apa pun dengan bersantai di rumah saja.
Di sisi lain, ada banyak kata-kata keren yang banyak terdapat di media daring maupun media sosial seputar weekend, yang cukup mewakili perasaanmu terhadap waktu akhir pekan ini.
Kamu bisa menggunakan kata-kata tersebut sebagai status dan caption di media sosial personalmu, sekadar sebagai ungkapan betapa kamu telah menantikan weekend kali ini dan bersyukur masih diberikan kesempatan menikmati akhir pekan.
Berikut koleksi kata-kata keren seputar weekend dalam bahasa Inggris, dinukil dari Luvze, Jumat (8/1/2020).
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Kata-Kata Keren Seputar Weekend dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. "Smile because it is Friday!"
2. "Don't just thank God because it is Friday. Thank God because it is another day."
3. "I have not been this excited about Friday since last Friday."
4. "There is no quote out there that can fully describe how great Friday is."
5. "Happy Friday! Forget about all the bad things that happened to you this week and just have a great weekend."
6. "Happy Friday! May your weekend be full of adventure and cheer, and may the beginning of the next week be far away."
7. "Hip, hip, hooray! Today is Saturday! Enjoy your weekend."
8. "Happiness is not having to set the alarm for the next morning. Happy Saturday!"
9. "Saturday, please stay."
10. "Dear Saturday, you are my most favorite day of the week."
Kata-Kata Keren Seputar Weekend dalam Bahasa Inggris
11. "On this Saturday, remember that you are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul."
12. "Good morning! Today is a beautiful Saturday. Wake up every morning thankful for the wonderful life that you have been given."
13. "Keep calm and relax. Today is Sunday!"
14. "Happy Sunday! Today is the last day of the weekend, so make sure that it is a really good one."
15. "Happy Sunday! Remember to count your rainbows instead of your thunder storms."
16. "Sundays should come with pause buttons."
17. "Happiness is a sleepy Sunday."
18. "The only happy end that i know is the weekend."
19. "Better days are headed your way. They are called Saturday and Sunday."
20. "Why can't the weekend last just a little bit longer?"
Kata-Kata Keren Seputar Weekend dalam Bahasa Inggris
21. "It was Friday, i blinked, and before i knew it, it was already Sunday night."
22. "I don't know about you, but i am ready for the weekend to begin."
23. "It is known that the first five days after the weekend are always the hardest to get through."
24. "Weekends are like rainbows…"
25. "Enjoy your weekend. I hope that it was worth the wait!"
26. "Happy Friday! Make it a good one."
27. "Saturday is the perfect day for a wonderful adventure."
28. "Good morning! Today is a beautiful Saturday. Wake up every morning thankful for the wonderful life that you have been given."
29. "On this peaceful Sunday, I am wishing all of my friends and family plenty of love and laughter."
30. "On this wonderful Sunday, don't forget to be thankful for the little things in life."
Sumber: Luvze
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