
23 Kata-Kata Ucapan Good Friday dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Memperingati Jumat Agung

Berikut kumpulan kata-kata ucapan Good Friday dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk menyemarakkan Jumat Agung., Jakarta - Kata-kata ucapan Good Friday dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa menjadi pesan agar manusia menjadi lebih religius. Good Friday atau Jumat Agung merupakan hari peringatan penyaliban dan kematian Yesus Kristus di Bukit Golgota.

Kematian Yesus di atas kayu salib diimani umat Kristiani sebagai bentuk penebusan dosa umat manusia.

Jumat Agung sebagai hari Tri Suci merupakan satu di antara rangkaian penting menuju Kebangkitan Yesus atau Hari Paskah. Hari Tri Suci ini terdiri dari Kamis Putih, Jumat Agung, dan Hari Paskah atau Malam Paskah.

Kata-kata ucapan Good Friday dalam Bahasa Inggris juga bisa bagikan kepada keluarga, kerabat, dan teman-temanmu untuk memaknai hari penting ini.

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Berikut kumpulan kata-kata ucapan Good Friday dalam Bahasa Inggris, dikutip dari Azquotes dan Graphicsheat, Rabu (31/3/2021).

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Kata-Kata Ucapan Good Friday

1. "Good Friday and Easter free us to think about other things far beyond our own personal fate, about the ultimate meaning of all life, suffering, and events; and we lay hold of a great hope." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

2. "Think of everything you've ever experienced that was painful; that's the meaning of Good Friday. Think of all the ways that love ultimately healed your heart; that's the meaning of Easter." - Marianne Williamson

3. "Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday." - Fulton J. Sheen

4. "It is the resurrection that makes Good Friday good." - Ravi Zacharias

5. "When Good Friday comes, these are the moments in life when we feel there's no hope. But then, Easter comes." - Coretta Scott King

6. "The lesson of Good Friday is to never lose hope - or at least give it 48 hours." - Robert Breault

7. "Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime." - Martin Luther

8. "No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown." - William Penn

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Kata-Kata Ucapan Good Friday

9. "Today we remember God’s great love for us. May this day bring new meaning and change in your life! Wishing all Christians a blessed Good Friday."

10. "Without Easter, Good Friday would have no meaning. Without Easter, there would be no hope that suffering and abandonment might be tolerable. But with Easter, a way out becomes visible for human sorrows, an absolute future: more than a hope, a divine expectation." - Hans Urs von Balthasar

11. "Good Friday was the worst Friday until Sunday." - Mike Donehey

12. "Very thankful for the many blessings the Lord has given me…Love you Lord. Happy Good Friday."

13. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

14. "May the glory of our Savior strengthen you and may His graces shine upon you on Good Friday and always!"

15. "Today we remember God’s great love for us. May this day bring new meaning and change in your life! Wishing all Christians a blessed Good Friday."

16. "Jesus went to the cross because God is holy and sin must be punished. Good Friday."

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Kata-Kata Ucapan Good Friday

17. "On this Good Friday may we never forget the true meaning of Easter – ‘For when He was on the cross, i was on His mind."

18. "On the eve of the cross, Jesus made his decision. He would rather go to hell for you than go to heaven without you." - Max Lucado

19. "A life He sacrificed means a new life and hope for us. He is our Savior and forever He will be with us!"

20. "Mercy, peace, and love, may the grace and Lord surround you and be with you on Good Friday."

21. "Thinking of You on Good Friday and praying that the Lord keep you in his Loving care always…"

22. "Good Friday! The day death died."

23. "2,000 years ago one man got nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be if everyone was nice to each other for a change." - Douglas Adams


Sumber: Azquotes, Graphicsheat

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