
35 Contoh Ucapan Sweet Seventeen Bahasa Inggris, Jakarta - Menyambut usia sweet seventeen adalah momen yang istimewa dan berkesan dalam perjalanan hidup seseorang. Pada usia ini, seseorang memasuki masa transisi yang penuh warna, di mana impian dan harapan akan membentuk landasan untuk perjalanan dewasa yang akan datang.

Melalui artikel ini, kamu dapat mencermati keindahan contoh ucapan selamat sweet seventen dalam bahasa Inggris.

Setiap kata penuh makna dan harapan, menjadi pengingat bahwa setiap usia baru membawa potensi baru untuk pertumbuhan pribadi dan pencapaian.

Yuk, hadirkan ucapan-ucapan manis untuk merayakan keunikan dan keistimewaan momen sweet seventeen ini. Semoga contoh ucapan di bawah ini dapat memikat hari spesialmu atau orang yang kamu cintai yang memasuki usia yang indah ini.

Berikut 35 contoh ucapan sweet seventeen dalam bahasa Inggris, singkat dan mengena, Kamis (4/1/2024).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Sweet Seventeen Bahasa Inggris

1. "Happy Sweet Seventeen! May this year bring you joy, adventures, and wonderful surprises."

2. "Wishing you a fabulous and unforgettable 17th birthday! May it be filled with laughter and love."

3. "Congratulations on turning seventeen! May this year be a chapter of beautiful moments and accomplishments."

4. "Happy 17th birthday! May your day be as bright and special as your smile."

5. "Welcome to the world of seventeen! May this year be a canvas of dreams and achievements."

6. "Seventeen looks absolutely amazing on you! Wishing you a year ahead filled with exciting journeys."

7. "Happy Sweet Seventeen! May your path be adorned with success, happiness, and endless possibilities."

8. "Cheers to 17 incredible years of your life! May the coming year be even more extraordinary."

9. "Seventeen candles, seventeen wishes, and countless dreams ahead. Happy birthday!"

3 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Sweet Seventeen Bahasa Inggris

10. "Celebrating the fantastic sweet seventeen! May your day be as fantastic as the person you've become."

11. "Happy 17th birthday! May your life be as beautiful and vibrant as the colors of the rainbow."

12. "Seventeen is the age of dreams and possibilities. May all your dreams come true this year!"

13. "Happy birthday! May your seventeenth year be filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories."

14. "Seventeen is a special age, and you're a special person. Wishing you an extraordinary year ahead!"

15. "Happy Sweet Seventeen! May your journey into adulthood be as smooth as the melody of your favorite song."

16. "Seventeen is the perfect age to dream big and achieve even bigger. Happy birthday!"

17. "Welcome to the marvelous world of seventeen! May this year bring you closer to your dreams."

18. "Happy 17th birthday! May this day mark the beginning of an incredible chapter in your life."

4 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Sweet Seventeen Bahasa Inggris

19. "Seventeen candles shining brightly for a wonderful soul. Happy birthday, may your light continue to brighten the world."

20. "Wishing you a birthday as sweet as seventeen itself! May your day be filled with love and laughter."

21. "Happy 17th! May this year bring you moments that make your heart dance with joy."

22. "Seventeen is the age of dreams, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Cheers to an amazing year ahead!"

23. "Seventeen candles illuminate your path. May each one represent a year of joy, love, and achievement."

24. "Wishing you a fantastic 17th birthday! May this year be filled with exciting adventures and personal growth."

25. "Happy Sweet Seventeen! May this birthday bring you happiness beyond measure."

26. "Seventeen is a magical age, and you are a true magician of life. Happy birthday!"

27. "Congratulations on turning seventeen! May your journey ahead be filled with success and fulfillment."

5 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Sweet Seventeen Bahasa Inggris

28. "Seventeen is an age of discovery and growth. May your birthday be the beginning of an extraordinary adventure."

29. "Happy birthday! May your seventeenth year be a symphony of beautiful moments and sweet surprises."

30. "Seventeen candles, seventeen wishes, and one incredible person. Wishing you a fabulous birthday!"

31. "Seventeen is a splendid age, and you're a splendid soul. Wishing you the happiest birthday ever!"

32. "Congratulations on reaching the age of seventeen! May your journey ahead be filled with love and laughter."

33. "Wishing you a magnificent 17th birthday! May this year be a masterpiece of joy and success.

34. "Seventeen candles shining bright for an extraordinary person. Happy birthday, may your light continue to inspire us all.

35. "Happy Sweet Seventeen! May your day be as sweet and remarkable as you are.


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