, Jakarta - Sebagai salah satu momen yang sangat dinantikan dalam budaya Tionghoa, perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek memancarkan kegembiraan, harapan, dan keberuntungan bagi banyak orang di seluruh dunia.
Buat kamu yang ingin memberikan ucapan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris kepada yang merayakannya, tetapi menghadapi kesulitan dalam merangkai kata-kata ucapan, di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh ucapan Imlek 2024 yang bisa memberikan kamu inspirasi.
Kamu juga bisa memilih dan mengirimkannya melalui pesan singkat, ataupun mengunggahnya ke media sosialmu.
Ucapan-ucapan di bawah ini simple, tetapi mengena serta penuh ketulusan dan doa maupun harapan baik.
Mari kita sambut Tahun Naga Kayu dengan kebahagiaan dan optimisme yang berlimpah!
Berikut 35 contoh ucapan Imlek 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris, dikutip dari Parade dan Goodhousekeeping, Jumat (2/2/2024).
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Contoh Ucapan Imlek 2024 Bahasa Inggris
1. "May good fortune be abundant this Chinese New Year."
2. "Wishing you luck, love, and health this Chinese New Year."
3. "May the Chinese New Year bring you abundance."
4. "May all your wishes come true this Chinese New Year."
5. "Wishing you wealth and health this Chinese New Year."
6. "As the new sun rises in a brand new year, may it bring you good luck, prosperity, joy, and contentment. Happy Chinese New Year!"
7. "Wishing you prosperity and good fortune."
8. "Wherever you go, may prosperity and good fortune always be with you. I’m wishing you a prosperous Dragon year!"
9. "Sending love and luck to you and your family this Chinese New Year."
Contoh Ucapan Imlek 2024 Bahasa Inggris
10. "Happy Chinese New Year to you and your loved ones. May this year be the brightest and happiest time of life for you."
11. "May you always enjoy the heavenly favors of health, wealth, and virtue. Happy Chinese New Year!"
12. "Happy Chinese New Year! Wishing you surplus and abundance year after year."
13. 'Wherever you go, may prosperity and good fortune always be with you. I'm wishing you a prosperous Dragon year!"
14. "May good fortune shine on you in the new year."
15. "May the Chinese New Year bring you joy and prosperity."
16. "May you and your family enjoy health, wealth, and happiness in the new year."
17. "May the new year bring you new possibilities, new horizons, and new joys."
18. "Sending you wishes of prosperity, love, and joy for the new year."
Contoh Ucapan Imlek 2024 Bahasa Inggris
19. "May good health and good fortune be abundant in the new year."
20. "May your new year be full of beauty and bounty."
21. "May the Year of the Dragon bestow you with strength, independence, and adventure."
22. "Wishing you an abundance of good fortune and a year filled with serenity."
23. "Hope you can expect a happy and prosperous year ahead."
24. "May prosperity and peace never abandon your home and hearth this new year."
25. "I hope this New Year brings you peace and prosperity."
26. "Let the Dragon bring you on great adventures to discover your own inner strength this year."
27. "May the year of the dragon bring you luck, power and innovation in leadership."
Contoh Ucapan Imlek 2024 Bahasa Inggris
28. "May the year of the Dragon bring you boundless opportunities and exciting adventures."
29. "I hope this year of the Dragon brings you success in your career and business endeavors."
30. "I wish you and your loved ones a year of prosperity, happiness and triumphant success in the year of the Dragon."
31. "May this year of the Dragon be filled with creativity, passion and amazing achievements for you."
32. "May the dragon year allow your wisdom, luck and courage to shine brighter."
33. "Wishing you prosperity and good fortune this new year."
34. "May your family be blessed and fortunate this year."
35. "I hope your family is happy and healthy this new year and always."
Sumber: Parade, Goodhousekeeping
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