
10 Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion yang Bisa Dipelajari

Berikut 10 contoh dialog asking and giving opinion yang bisa dipelajari., Jakarta - Asking and giving opinion merupakan satu di antara cara untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dalam sebuah percakapan.

Asking and giving opinion digunakan ketika seseorang ingin mengekspresikan pendapat tentang suatu hal.

Dengan kata lain, asking and giving opinion merupakan langkah untuk mencari atau meminta sudut pandang seseorang terkait suatu masalah atau keputusan yang harus diambil.

Asking and giving opinion penting dalam percakapan karena memungkinkan suatu masalah atau situasi untuk dibahas dan dipertimbangkan dari berbagai sudut pandang.

Selain itu, asking and giving opinion menggambarkan sikap saling menghargai dan mendengarkan pandangan orang lain dalam proses pengambilan keputusan.

Asking and giving opinion digunakan di berbagai situasi seperti diskusi kelompok, pertemuan bisnis, rapat, debat, atau bahkan diskusi mengenai isu-isu sosial.

Supaya makin paham, kamu bisa menyimak beberapa contoh dialog asking and giving opinion berikut ini, Jumat (15/3/2024).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (1)

Laura: "Nurul, what date is it today?"

Nurul: "Pardon?"

Laura: "What date is it today?"

Nurul: "Sorry, I can't hear you. Jack, Lia, be quiet!"

Jack and Lia: "Sorry."

Nurul: "Sorry, Laura. Could you repeat your question?"

Laura: "What date is it today?"

Nurul: "Oh, today's date. It is the twentieth of August."

Laura: "Oh great. So, the concert is tonight."

Jack: "The concert. Lia, what do you think of going to the concert this evening?"

Lia: "Go to the concert? That sounds great."

Nurul: "What time is the concert?"

Laura: "It is at 7 p.m."

Bobi: "Excuse me, everybody. Whose car is near the entrance way?"

Lia: "It is Jack's car."

Bobi: "Jack, move your car, please. It's blocking my way."

Jack: "Ok, Bob. Sorry. I'll move it."

Bobi: "Goodbye girls. See you tomorrow."

Lia, Nurul, Laura: "Bye, Bob!"


Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (2)

Resti: "Mom, look! I bought a beautiful dress!"

Mom: "Hmm, how much does it cost?"

Resti: "It's not expensive, really. It's only one million. Do you have any ideas?"

Mom: "It's beautiful, but in my personal opinion,  it's too expensive for a dress."

Resti: "But in my mind, it's really worth it, because the material is good and it's from a popular fashion brand."

Mom: "Next, I reckon that you should be wiser in spending money. There are many dresses that are much cheaper with good quality."

Resti: "Yes, but I don't think there’s anything wrong with buying expensive clothes once in a while."

Mom: "Well, how do you feel when you wear the dress? Are you happy and feel confident?"

Resti: "Of course! It makes me feel more beautiful and elegant."

Mom: "I believe you'll look more beautiful if you match the dress with a brown hijab."

Resti: "Okay mom, I will do it. Thank you!"

3 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (3)

Inna: "Sasa, what do you think of English?"

Sasa: "I think English is very important."

Inna: "What do you think of watching TV every day?"

Sasa: "In my opinion, watching TV every day is boring."

Inna: "Yeah, I think so."


Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (4)

Firdan: "Hi, can I ask your opinion about my painting?"

Bella: "Sure."

Firdan: "So, what do you think?"

Bella: "Wow, this is such a beautiful painting. You did a great job!"


Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (5)

Priti: "Brian, what do you think of our English teacher, Ms. Laura?"

Brian: "I think our English teacher is very beautiful, slim, and tall."

Priti: "That's physically speaking. What do you think of her personality?"

Brian: "In my opinion, she is kind, friendly, smart, responsible, and generous. What about your opinion? What do you think of her?"

Priti: "I think she is perfect."

Brian: "Yeah, you're right."

4 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (6)

Merry: "Darwis, do you know about the new rules in our school? What do you think about it?"

Darwis: "Yeah. Personally, arriving at school before 6:00 is too early."

Merry: "I agree. It's not fair for students who live far away from school."

Darwis: "I heard the student council members would discuss with the teacher so they would reconsider."


Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (7)


Yulia: "What is your opinion about my picture?"

Ana: "Wow! Amazing! I think it is very beautiful and colorful. I think you have talent as a painter or designer."

Yulia: "Thank you. By the way, have you finished your homework?"

Ana: "Not yet. I have a problem with it. Can you help me?"

Yulia: "Sure."


Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (8)

Mirza: "Nurma, what do you think about my paintings?"

Nurma: "In my opinion your paintings are wonderful."

Mirza: "Okay, I'll put them on the gallery."

5 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (9)

Peter: "Hey, Gritte! Have you watched the Game of Thrones series?"

Gritte: "Of course I have!"

Peter: "What is your point of view, then?"

Gritte: "There is no doubt in mind that the plot is mind-blowing! By the way, how about we watch another Netflix series together?"

Peter: "I strongly believe that is a great idea. We can watch Stranger Things, perhaps?"

Gritte: "That is great. Let's go!"


Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion (10)

Umar: "Hi Andi!"

Andi: "Hi Umar!"

Umar: "Have you heard about the terrorist attack in Paris?"

Andi: "Yes, I saw the news on television last night."

Umar: "What do you think about that?"

Andi: "I think the terrorist is very brutal."

Umar: "I think so, I hope there is no such incident again."


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