
32 Contoh Ucapan Hardiknas (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) Bahasa Inggris yang Sarat Makna, Jakarta - Hari Pendidikan Nasional atau yang biasa disingkat Hardiknas diperingati pada tanggal 2 Mei setiap tahunnya.

Di tahun 2024 ini peringatan Hardiknas memiliki tema ‘Bergerak Bersama, Lanjutkan Merdeka Belajar’.

Hardiknas memiliki sejarah yang penting sebagai momen refleksi mengenai pentingnya pendidikan bagi bangsa dan negara.

Selain itu, Hardiknas diperingati setiap tahunnya untuk mengenang jasa-jasa Ki Hadjar Dewantara, seorang tokoh pendidikan Indonesia yang dianggap sebagai bapak pendidikan nasional Indonesia.

Hardiknas bisa dirayakan dengan berbagai cara, misalnya dengan mengirimkan ucapan Hardiknas (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) bahasa Inggris kepada orang-orang terdekat, baik teman atau keluarga, terutama dengan profesi guru.

Meski hanya berupa ucapan, bisa sangat berarti bagi orang yang menerimanya.

Di samping itu, ucapan Hardiknas (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) bahasa Inggris juga dapat dibagikan ke berbagai platform media sosial.

Berikut 32 contoh ucapan Hardiknas (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) bahasa Inggris yang sarat makna, Selasa (30/4/2024).

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2 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Hardiknas (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) Bahasa Inggris

1. "The power of education must never be underestimated. The Goodness of education must never be ignored. A very Happy National Education Day."

2. "When you teach a child, you bring a change to their life for good. Never miss a chance to educate a child. Happy National Education Day."

3. "One can never ignore the goodness of education in life. Happy National Education Day!"

4. "Many people plant trees but few of them get fruit of it. Happy National Education Day!"

5. "On this occasion that celebrates the importance of education, let us always make our contribution towards educating a child. Happy National Education Day!"

6. "Let’s continue to make contributions to the lives of children. Let’s continue to keep educating them. Warm wishes to everyone on National Education Day."

7. "Happy National Education Day. Hope by commemorating the education day, all of us can increasingly understand the importance of education for Indonesia."

8. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, my Indonesia can be developed, starting from the best quality education and resultant products."

3 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Hardiknas (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) Bahasa Inggris

9. "Congratulations on commemorating National Education Day. Passion in pursuing knowledge, achieving goals, and achieving success."

10. "Still become the best students although your ways are hard to face. Happy National Education Day."

11. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, education in Indonesia can continue to progress and develop in a better direction."

12. "Happy Education Day. Hope by commemorating the education day, all of us can increasingly understand the importance of education for Indonesia."

13. "National Education Day. If you want to be successful, then achieve your dreams with education."

14. "Chase your future by getting the best education. It is not for others but for yourself. Happy Education Day Indonesia."

15. "Long live the education system in Indonesia and hopefully, the educators and students will continue to be enthusiastic. Happy National Education Day."

16. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, Indonesia has increased the quality of education in order to produce leaders seeds of this country."

4 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Hardiknas (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) Bahasa Inggris

17. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, Education in Indonesia can be enjoyed equally and by all citizens of Indonesia."

18. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, educators in Indonesia is really can be an example and role model for their students."

19. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, all the problems of education lately can be quickly resolved."

20. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, my Indonesia can be developed, starting from the best quality education and resultant products."

21. "Happy Education Day. Hope by commemorating the education day, all of us can increasingly understand the importance of education for Indonesia."

22. "Happy Education Day. To control the country, we need someone who can control the information for themselves."

23. "Still become the best students although your ways are hard to face. Happy National Education Day."

24. "Chase your future by getting the best education. it is not for others but for yourself. Happy Education Day."

5 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Hardiknas (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) Bahasa Inggris

25. "Your future is determined by what you start today. Happy National Education Day."

26. "The struggle is difficult, but difficulties can be resolved with struggle, too. Happy National Education Day."

27. "Ki Hadjar Dewantara was a pioneer of education in the colonial era. His services inspire us to become strong individuals. Happy Birthday to the Father of Indonesian Education!"

28. "Happy National Education Day. Life would not be better because of a chance. Life will always be better because of the courage to take action at every chance."

29. "Happy National Education Day. Let's pray for education fighters wherever they are so that they will always be given strength. For those who have fallen, may they be given the best place by His side."

30. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, in the future, Indonesia will have a higher quality of education with a qualified young generation as well."

31. "Happy National Education Day! Hopefully, education in Indonesia will grow through each passing day."

32. "Happy National Education Day. Only education can save the future. Without education, Indonesia would not have survived."


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