, Jakarta - Karya sastra pantun tentu sudah tidak asing bagi kebanyakan orang. Pasalnya, materi ini termasuk yang dipelajari di bangku sekolah.
Selain bisa sebagai ilmu pengetahuan, pantun kerap ditemui di acara-acara hiburan adat dan program komedi di televisi.
Saking populernya, karya sastra ini bukan hanya dibuat dalam bahasa Indonesia saja, melainkan juga bahasa Inggris.
Sebenarnya, pantun dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris tidak memiliki perbedaan jauh, yang membedakan hanya bahasa yang digunakan saja.
Daripada penasaran, kamu bisa menyimak sederet contoh pantun dalam bahasa Inggris, di bawah ini.
Berikut 16 contoh pantun dalam bahasa Inggris yang menarik dan unik, dikutip dari laman Sederet dan 99, Kamis (30/5/2024).
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Contoh Pantun dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. Yesterday's weather was so hot
But today's weather is so cold
I did not wish that you forgot
Our friendship is shiny gold.
2. Father just arrived from Finland
He crossed the road and look one way
Oh love please don't misunderstand
You're the only one in my mind all day.
3. Kittens and puppies are adorable
A man is dancing with his wife
Friend, you are such a miracle
I feel blessed to have you in my life.
4. A panda is eating bamboo
A little girl gives a little bow
Please be careful of what we do
As what we reap is what we sow.
Contoh Pantun dalam Bahasa Inggris
5. Cinderella lost her wedding ring
A fairy is chopping a lime
If you need help with anything
Feel free to call me anytime.
6. Flock of birds fly over New York Bay
A mother holds her baby with tenderness
My friend, today is your birthday
I wish you health and happiness.
7. A monkey is stealing apple pie
It presses a button to open the gateway
I promise this is not a goodbye
I will see you again someday.
8. I never really knew you
You were just another friend
But when I got to know you
I let my heart unbend.
Contoh Pantun dalam Bahasa Inggris
9. My mother give me a baseball glove
I gave her a new stove
If I could measure your love
It won't be called as love.
10. I saw a big eagle
So I took a picture
School is a struggle
To achieve the future.
11. I buy two shirts in black and gray
But they are wet due to water
The parents always pray
That you will success later.
12. Not all of animals are same
Some wild ones can hurt
Maybe you feel the same
The feeling of love in my heart.
Contoh Pantun dalam Bahasa Inggris
13. The toilet smells so foul
It always has no fragrance
We have flying mind, floating soul
And have no interdependence.
14. Many animals are wild
But some can be tamed
Just look at the lawless child
In the world of his life tormented.
15. An old man wears converse
He walks fast with curiousness
Follow the parent's orders
Their pray is your successfulness.
16. My life won't be end
You can have our friendship erased
You were my best friend
Until I descoved you have two faced.
Sumber: Sederet, 99
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