, Jakarta - Dialog congratulation, atau dialog ucapan selamat, adalah percakapan yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan rasa bangga, bahagia, dan dukungan atas pencapaian atau peristiwa penting dalam hidup seseorang.
Dialog congratulation ini tidak hanya mempererat hubungan antarindividu, tetapi juga menciptakan suasana yang lebih hangat dan penuh apresiasi.
Dialog congratulation sering digunakan dalam berbagai situasi, baik formal maupun informal, seperti ketika seseorang meraih prestasi, seperti lulus ujian, dapat pekerjaan baru, menyelesaikan proyek dengan sukses, atau merayakan momen spesial ulang tahun, pernikahan, kelahiran atau lainnya.
Dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang tepat dan tulus, kita dapat menunjukkan rasa peduli dan mendukung orang lain.
Dialog ini biasanya terdiri dari lebih dari satu kalimat, memungkinkan terjadinya interaksi dua arah yang lebih mendalam antara pemberi dan penerima ucapan.
Menggunakan dialog congratulation dalam interaksi sehari-hari menunjukkan bahwa kita menghargai dan peduli terhadap pencapaian orang lain. Ini juga merupakan cara yang efektif untuk memperkuat ikatan sosial dan menciptakan lingkungan yang positif.
Nah, sebagai satu di antara wujud bentuk apresiasi, kamu bisa melontarkan dialog congratulation yang penuh makna.
Agar kamu makin paham, simak 20 contoh dialog congratulation, yang membahagiakan hati, berikut ini, Senin (29/7/2024).
Berita Video, Jonatan Christie berhasil meraih kemenangan di laga perdana Olimpiade 2024 pada Sabtu (27/7/2024)
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Contoh Dialog Congratulation
1. Lala: Welcome to the world, little one! May you always bring happiness to your parents
Rina: Thank you, Ani. I'm truly grateful for this blessing
Lala: Congratulations on becoming a new mom, Hani. Don't hesitate to ask for my help if you need anything
Rina: Thank you so much, Lala. I appreciate it!
2. Ani: Congratulations on your wedding, Hani and Budi! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness in your marriage
Hani: Thank you, Ani! Your wishes mean a lot
Budi: Thanks Ani! Please enjoy the feast, hope you are happy!
3. Ratna: What a gorgeous wedding, Sinta! You both are so gorgeous as well. Hope nothing can take you from each other!
Sinta: Oh, thank you, Ratna! Hope your boyfriend proposes to you tonight and you'll also have a beautiful wedding.
Ratna: Thank you. I hope so, too.
4. Ima: Hi, Jihan! Happy birthday! I always wish the best for you.
Jihan: Thank you, guys!
Ima: Here's a present for you.
Jihan: Thank you so much! I didn't expect anything.
Ima: No problem, it is for you.
5. Maya: Hi, Laila! Congratulations! Finally, you can graduate on time!
Laila: Thank you so much! I couldn't have done it without the support of my family and friends.
Maya: Yeah. Here's a gift for you.
Laila: Wow! Thanks so much.
Maya: Yeah. You like it.
Laila: Of course, I like it.
Maya: Okay. Once again, congratulations, Laila! I wish you continued success.
Laila: Thank you very much, Maya!
Contoh Dialog Congratulation
6. Budi: Congratulation, Jaka! I heard that you are getting a job promotion and will become a manager in Bandung. Is that true?
Jaka: Yes, it's true. At first, I was so surprised, but I am very glad and can't wait to move to Bandung.
Budi: You are amazing. I am sure you will reach success soon.
Jaka: Thank you, Budi. What about you? Last month you told me to resign. Have you got a new job?
Budi: Yes. Finally, I got a job that fits my passion. I work at a music studio.
Jaka: What a great job! Congratulation!
7. Person A: Our baby boy arrived yesterday!
Person B: Congratulations on the arrival of your little bundle of joy! Wishing you all the best as a new parent.
8. David: Hi, Indiana, I got news from your father yesterday that you just won the quiz competition, didn't you?
Indiana: Yes, that's right, David. Yesterday I won 1st place in the competition.
David: Congratulations on your success, Indiana. Keep the spirit up!
Indiana: Yes, thank you very much, David.
9. Yantina: Hay, Jessica! Congratulations on your apartment. It looks much more amazing than the old one!
Jessica: Thanks, Yantina. Let's come inside and get something to eat.
Yantina: Oh since when do you cook for your guests?
Jessica: What? No, I will never do that. This apartment comes with a lady in it. Here, meet my woman, Victoria.
Yantina: Wohooo!!! The apartment isn't the only amazing thing here. Where did you find this beautiful lady, Jessica?
Jessica: She was the owner of this apartment. I bought the apartment and proposed to her at once. Killing two birds with one stone, hmm?
Yantina: Of course you did!
10. Gadis: Hay, Shafira, happy birthday.
Shafira: Thank you Gadis, apparently you still remember my birthday.
Gadis: Of course, because we are friends.
Shafira: Well, coincidentally at 5 pm there is a birthday celebration event for me. Can you come, Dis?
Gadis: Of course, I can see you at your house.
Contoh Dialog Congratulation
11. Anggun: Hi, Tia, I heard from Juliani that you just won a singing competition, right?
Tia: Yes, that's right Anggun, just yesterday I won.
Anggun: Wow, amazing, congrats on your success.
Tia: Thank you for your kind words, Anggun.
12. Alya: Hi Bud, congratulations on your proposal last night with your lover. I'm happy too.
Budi: Hi Alya, thank you very much. By the way, how did you know?
Alya: I know from your father that you talked to me at Minimart.
13. Keisha: Hi, Angel, you look very happy this morning.
Angel: That's right Keisha. I am happy because last night I won the door prize handphone.
Keisha: Wah, you are very lucky, Angel. Congratulations, Angel, take good care of the vehicle.
Angel: Of course, thank you, Keisha.
14. Keenar: Hi, Maria, congratulations on your success, you finally graduated on time.
Maria: Thank you, Keenar. This is all because you always help me.
Keenar: Please accept this Maria a gift for you.
Maria: Wow, this flower is very beautiful. Thank you, Keenar.
15. Franklin: Congratulations my one and only sister! I still can't believe my little birdie is a mommy now!
Shakira: Yeah, me too, bro. I have no idea how to become a good mom.
Franklin: You'll be the best mom ever. I could see it since my son stopped crying when you held him.
Shakira: That was something called coincidence.
Franklin: But you will still be the greatest mommy for my niece. I know it.
Shakira: Thanks, Franklin. Hope your wish comes true.
Contoh Dialog Congratulation
16. Dini: What a gorgeous wedding Azkia! You both are so beautiful as well. I hope nothing can take you from each other!
Azkia: Thank you, Dini! Hope your boyfriend proposes to you tonight and you will also have a beautiful wedding.
Dini: Well, I would be the happiest girl when it happens.
17. Ani: Hi Hani! Congratulations on winning the speech competition last night! I’m so happy for you for achieving it!
Hani: Hi Ani! Did you see me last night?
Ani: Well! My friends and I watched your speech at the Auditorium building last night
Hani: Thank you for your support, Ani! I'm glad you all came to see my speech, Thank you very much ani!
18. Sinta: Congratulations on your graduation, Hani! Finally, the time you’ve been waiting for has come
Mawar: Thank you, Sinta. I've been waiting for this moment for quite a long time, working hard for it.
Sinta: What are your plans after this?
Mawar: I might pursue a master's degree or seek job opportunities. If there's a job that interests me, I'll work. Haha
Sinta: Sounds great! Wishing you the best of luck always!
19. Erika: Hi Hani! Congratulations on your promotion! I hope you feel comfortable in your new position as a store manager
Elsa: Oh Erika, thank you so much. I appreciate your assistance in the work all this time!
Erika: Happy to help, Elsa!
20. Ally: Congratulations, Andrew!
Andrew: For what?
Ally: You are in first place in our school's musical competition!
Andrew: Really? Oh, thank God!
Ally: Wait, you don’t know about this?
Andrew: I haven't checked the announcement board yet.
Ally: Well, I am so proud of you. Your parents will be proud too I believe.
Andrew: Thank you, Ally.
Ally: Next year, you should try to win Indonesian Idol.
Andrew: Well, let us see.
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