
5 Contoh Cerita Legenda Bahasa Inggris, Menarik dan Bagus Dibaca, Jakarta - Setiap budaya memiliki cerita legenda turun-temurun yang sarat makna dan penuh misteri. Pernahkah kamu mendengar kisah Jack dan tanaman kacangnya yang ajaib, atau cerita legenda tentang Raja Arthur dan pedang sakti Excalibur?

Kisah-kisah ini hanyalah sebagian kecil dari khazanah cerita legenda yang kaya dari berbagai penjuru dunia.

Nah, kali ini kita akan menyelami dunia cerita legenda, tetapi dengan sentuhan bahasa Inggris. Kenapa bahasa Inggris? Yap, karena bahasa ini telah menjadi bahasa universal yang menghubungkan kita dengan berbagai budaya.

Dengan mempelajari cerita legenda dalam bahasa Inggris, kita tidak hanya memperkaya kosakata dan tata bahasa, tetapi juga membuka jendela menuju pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang sejarah, adat istiadat, dan nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh berbagai masyarakat.

Cerita legenda dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki daya tarik tersendiri. Di dalamnya, kita akan menemukan karakter-karakter yang unik, petualangan yang seru, serta pesan moral yang mendalam.

Selain itu, mempelajari cerita legenda dalam bahasa Inggris dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kita dalam memahami teks bacaan yang lebih kompleks.

Berikut lima contoh cerita legenda bahasa Inggris, yang menarik dan bagus dibaca, Selasa (30/7/2024).

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2 dari 6 halaman

The Origin of Lake Toba

The story of the origin of Lake Toba tells the tale of a man named Batara Guru who fell in love with a beautiful mortal woman named Ompu Ni Bolon. They had a son named Batara Sihir, who possessed supernatural powers.

One day, Batara Sihir caught a fish that turned out to be a magical creature. When he cooked the fish, it turned into a beautiful woman named Boru Toba. Batara Sihir and Boru Toba fell in love and had a son named Partomuan.

However, the gods were angered by Batara Sihir's relationship with a magical creature and they punished him by turning him and his family into stone. The stone family created a huge hole in the ground where they stood, and it eventually filled with water to become Lake Toba.

The story of the origin of Lake Toba holds great significance in Indonesian culture, particularly in the Batak culture of North Sumatra where the lake is located. The story symbolizes the importance of respecting and preserving nature, as well as the consequences of disobeying the gods. The story has been passed down for generations through oral tradition, and it continues to be a beloved and important part of Indonesian folklore.

3 dari 6 halaman

Jack and the Beanstalk

Once upon a time, there was a poor widow and her son Jack, who lived in a small cottage. They were so poor that their only possession was a cow named Milky White. One day, when they had nothing left to eat, the widow told Jack to take the cow to the market and sell her so they could buy food.

On the way to the market, Jack met a mysterious old man who offered to trade him magic beans for Milky White. Intrigued by the idea of magic beans, Jack agreed to the trade and returned home with the beans. His mother was furious and threw the beans out the window before sending Jack to bed without dinner.

The next morning, Jack awoke to find a giant beanstalk had grown overnight from the beans. He decided to climb the beanstalk and found himself in a land high above the clouds. There, he discovered a castle inhabited by a terrifying giant and his wife. The giant had a goose that laid golden eggs and a magical harp that played beautiful music.

Jack stole the goose and the harp, but as he was leaving, the harp cried out, alerting the giant. The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk, but Jack managed to climb down quickly and cut the beanstalk down. The giant fell to his death, and Jack and his mother were able to live in comfort with the wealth provided by the golden eggs.

4 dari 6 halaman

The Legend of Surabaya

A long time ago in east Java, there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They were friend, but when they were hungry, they were very greedy and did not want to share their food. They fought for it and never stopped.

One day Sura and Baya were looking for some food, but they did not want to share and they fought again. After several hours Sura and Baya planned to stop their fight, Sura lived and looked for food in the sea, and Baya lived and looked for food. on land.

But one day, Sura went to the land and looked for food in the river. Baya was angry when he knew that Sura had broken the promise. Then Sura and Baya fought again and finally, Sura gave up and went back to the sea.

People then always talked about the fight between Sura and Baya. They named the place of the fought as Surabaya, it's from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile. People also put their fight as the symbol of Surabaya City.

5 dari 6 halaman

The Ant and The Dove

One hot day, an Ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water.

She could have drowned if a Dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the Ant was in trouble, the Dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling Ant the Ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground. Just at that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net toward the Dove, hoping to trap it.

Guessing what he was about to do, the Ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. The Dove was quick to fly away to safety.

6 dari 6 halaman

Robin Hood and The Golden Arrow

Once upon a time, in Sherwood Forest, there lived a legendary hero named Robin Hood. He was an outlaw, a skilled archer, and the leader of a band of merry men, including Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, and Alan-a-Dale. They fought against the injustice of the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham and the greedy nobles, stealing from the rich to give to the poor.

One day, the Sheriff of Nottingham decided to hold an archery contest in the town, with a golden arrow as the prize. He hoped to lure Robin Hood out of hiding and capture him. Robin Hood, hearing of the contest, decided to participate, knowing that it was a trap but confident in his skills as an archer.

On the day of the contest, Robin Hood disguised himself as an old man and entered the competition. Archers from near and far gathered to test their skills, but none could match Robin’s marksmanship. In the final round, with the target set at an incredible distance, Robin Hood drew his bow and fired a perfect shot, hitting the bullseye.

The crowd cheered, and the Sheriff of Nottingham, realizing that only Robin Hood could have made such a shot, ordered his men to arrest the old man. However, Robin Hood revealed his true identity, and with the help of his Merry Men who had infiltrated the crowd, they fought off the Sheriff’s guards and escaped.

Robin Hood took the golden arrow and returned to Sherwood Forest, where he and his Merry Men continued their fight for justice and the protection of the poor. The legend of Robin Hood and his heroic deeds spread far and wide, inspiring hope and courage in the hearts of the common people.


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